uk/zjuːs/us/zuːs/inGreekmythology(=ancientstories), thegreatestof thegods, thegodof theskyand theweather, whoruledoverhumanbeingsand the othergods:
宙斯(希腊神话中的主神)Before Zeushurledhis firstthunderboltfrom Olympus, the pre-Greekpeopleoccupyingthelandpresumablyofferedsacrificestotheirowngodsandgoddesses.在宙斯从奥林匹斯山投下第一道雷电之前,在希腊人之前居住在这片土地上的人们可能会向自己的神祗献祭。
See also
- Thefoundinglegendof theOlympicGameswasdepictedon theeastpedimentof thetempleof Zeus at Olympia.
- To thenorthrisesaconicalhill,bristlingwithpineforest, where,accordingtolegend, Zeuswrestledhisfather, the Titan Kronos, forcontrolof theworld.
- InGreekmythologyZeusimpregnatedDanae in theformofgoldenrain.
- PrometheusknowsZeus will beoverthrownby one of his ownsons, and Zeus isdesperatetoknowwhich one.
Mythology: Greek & Roman myth
- ambrosia
- Andromeda
- Aphrodite
- Apollo
- Ares
- cupid
- Delphi
- Delphic
- Demeter
- Diana
- harpy
- Jupiter
- Mars
- Minerva
- minotaur
- muse
- underworld
- Venus
- Vesta
- Victoria
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Mythological & legendary characters