alineorpatternthatlookslike a Z or arowof Zsjoinedtogether:
锯齿形线条;之字形a zigzagpath/road/coastline蜿蜒的小路/道路/海岸线
afabricwith a zigzagpattern带有锯齿形图案的布料
Thekidsranin zigzags around theplayground.孩子们在操场上左拐右拐地跑来跑去。

Jenny Dettrick/Moment/GettyImages
Patterns and shapes
- amorphous
- arabesque
- argyle
- asymmetrically
- asymmetry
- bossy
- cutout
- filigree
- fishhook
- flecked
- flowery
- formless
- fretted
- herringbone
- oblong
- shapeless
- shapelessly
- shapelessness
- sigmoid
- snow angel
asituationin whichactions,plans, orideaschangesuddenlyandcompletely, and thenchangeback againequallysuddenly:
(行动、计划或想法)突然变来变去The Washington Postcomplainedof "twoweeksofpolicyzigzags".《华盛顿邮报》指责说“这两周的政策朝令夕改”。
Thecountryseemsto have beenfollowinga zigzagcoursebetweendemocracyanddictatorship.这个国家似乎已经走上了一条在民主和独裁制度间迂回的道路。
Changing frequently
- capricious
- capriciously
- capriciousness
- changeable
- dipsy-doodle
- fickle
- fluidity
- inconsistently
- inconstant
- inflammable
- kaleidoscopic
- kaleidoscopically
- mercurial
- protean
- raggedly
- raggedness
- schizophrenically
- shifting
- volatility
- yo-yoing
uk/ˈzɪɡ.zæɡ/us/ˈzɪɡ.zæɡ/-gg-zigzagverb[I](MAKE SHAPE)
(alsozig and zag)
to make amovementorshapelike a zigzag:
呈之字形移动,曲折行进Theroadzigzags along arockycoastline.道路沿着岩石嶙峋的海岸蜿蜒延伸。
Bending, twisting and curving
- ball up
- bendy
- bent
- bowed
- buckle
- crook
- entwine
- flex
- flexion
- flexure
- fluted
- matted
- meander
- sinuous
- torsion
- tortuously
- tortuousness
- true
- twiddly
- wring
tochangesuddenlyandcompletely, and thenchangeback againequallysuddenly:
突然且彻底的变化,随后又突然变回原样Themarketzigzagged during thedaybutfinishedhigherin theafternoon.交易市场在白天一直都起起落落,但下午还是以高位收盘。
Changing frequently
- capricious
- capriciously
- capriciousness
- changeable
- dipsy-doodle
- fickle
- fluidity
- inconsistently
- inconstant
- inflammable
- kaleidoscopic
- kaleidoscopically
- mercurial
- protean
- raggedly
- raggedness
- schizophrenically
- shifting
- volatility
- yo-yoing