adeviceconsisting of tworowsofmetalorplasticteeth-likepartsthat arebroughttogether bypullingasmallslidingpieceover them, used forclosingopeningsinclothing,bags, etc.:
拉链,拉锁to do up/undoa zip拉上/拉开拉链
I can'topenmybag- the zip hasstuck.我的包打不开——拉链卡住了。

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- Thesetrousersmust haveshrunk- I can't do the zip up.
- If youforcethe zip, it'llbreak.
- Why didn't youtellme my zip wasundone!
Fasteners for clothes
- belt
- buckle
- buckled
- button fly
- button-through
- cinch
- eyelet
- fastener
- flies
- fly
- grommet
- hook and eye
- sash
- snap
- snap fastener
- stud
- suspender
- toggle
- Velcro
- zipsomething/someoneup
精力;活力;速度The newenginehas given thecara lot more zip.新引擎使这辆汽车提速不少。
Speed of motion
- airspeed
- at full/half throttleidiom
- briskness
- burst
- celerity
- clip
- clock
- fleetness
- gallop
- ground speed
- hypersonic
- instantaneous velocity
- multi-speed
- pace
- pacy
- rapidity
- rate
- speed
- supersonic
- velocity
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Energetic and lively
无,没有Iknowzip aboutcomputers.我对计算机一无所知。
The Dolphins areleadingthe Giants fourteen to zip(= by fourteenpointsto nothing).海豚队以14比0领先巨人队。
Something, anything, nothing, and everything
- across-the-board
- anything
- aught
- bazillion
- bubkes
- fat
- fresh
- matter
- nil
- none
- not a dicky birdidiom
- not a sausageidiom
- not/nothing muchidiom
- summat
- sweet
- sweet fanny adamsidiom
- what with one thing and anotheridiom
- whatevs
- whit
- zero
tofastensomething with a zip:
拉上(…的)拉链This bag's toofull, I can't zip itshut.这包装得太满,拉链都拉不上了。
Thisdresszips(up)at the back.这件连衣裙的拉链在背部。
Zipyourcoatup, it'scoldoutside.把外套的拉链拉上,外面很冷。
Fasteners for clothes
- belt
- buckle
- buckled
- button fly
- button-through
- cinch
- eyelet
- fastener
- flies
- fly
- grommet
- hook and eye
- sash
- snap
- snap fastener
- stud
- suspender
- toggle
- Velcro
- zipsomething/someoneup
zipverb(GO QUICKLY)
[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]informal
tomoveor gosomewhereveryquickly:
快速移动;迅速去(某处)I'm just going to zipoverto theshops- I won't belong.我就去商店转一圈——时间不会很长的。
We were about tocrosstheroadwhen acarsuddenlyzipped past.我们正准备过马路,这时一辆汽车突然飞驰而过。
See also
zapverb(GO QUICKLY)
Moving quickly
- agility
- beetle
- bowl down/alongsomething
- careen
- career
- gallop
- gun
- leg
- outsail
- pelt
- rush
- scamper
- scoot
- scrabble
- scramble
- scud
- shoot
- stampede
- ton
- trot
tocompress(=reducethesizeof)acomputerfileso that it uses lessspace, and can be moreeasilysentorstored:
压缩(计算机文件)Zip thefilesbefore youemailthem.先压缩文件,然后再通过电子邮件发出。
Operating computers
- admin
- aliasing
- always-on
- backsomeoneup
- black hat
- computerate
- computerize
- crack
- drill down
- escape
- keyboarder
- maximize
- miswrite
- mouse oversomething
- munging
- navigational
- scroll
- telecottage
- ticket
- uninstall
zip it
zip your lip
Phrasal verb