zip line
(mainlyUSalsozipline)uk/ˈzɪp ˌlaɪn/us/ˈzɪp ˌlaɪn/(UKalsozip wire)alongthickwireattachedbetween twopoints, onehigherthan the other, that you canmovealongquicklywhilehangingfrom asmallwheel, asentertainmentor as a way oftravellingabove andacrosssomething:
Theelevatedziplinewill takeguestson a 50-mphrideacrosstheforestcanopy.
Ihitthe end of the zipline andforgottograbon to the endropesquickenough.

Marc Romanelli/Blend Images/GettyImages
- Heonceused aropeto make amakeshiftziplinefrom thetopof thetreeto hisporch.
- It ishigher,longer, andfasterthan any other zipline in theregion.
- Both the zipline and highropescoursearedesignedfor heart-pumpingthrills.
Miscellaneous pastimes & their participants
- asana
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- brass rubbing
- campanologist
- coasteering
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- gearhead
- gongoozler
- gongoozling
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- numismatics
- philatelist
- philately
- pigeon fancier
- potholing
- storm chaser
- storm chasing
- sunbathing
- tailgating
- trainspotter