uk/ˈzəʊ.i.trəʊp/us/ˈzoʊ.i.troʊp/adeviceused in the past consisting of acylinderwithslits(=long,narrowholes)cutin it and aseriesofimagesdrawnon the inside. When thecylinderisturned, apersonlookingthrough theslitsseestheimagesappeartomove. :
旋转画筒(过去的一种玩具)Themuseumalso has a zoetrope, whichrevealsaseriesofmovingimagesas thedrumrevolves.馆内还有一个旋转画筒,随着滚筒的旋转,展现出一系列的动态画面。

Science & Society Picture Library/SSPL/GettyImages
- The ad will consist of 10scenesstartingwith the use of a zoetrope - an earlyformof cinema-likeexperience.
- Elsewhere, for Animal Night Life, hedeploysa zoetrope to give theillusionofmotionto suchmythologicalfiguresas a minotaur, a she-wolf and acherub.
- Thetopfloorisdominatedby a zoetrope, acylindricaldevicethatproducestheillusionofmotionfrom arapidsuccessionofstaticimages.
- To do this theydecidedtheyneededtocreatethe world'sbiggestzoetrope (anamecombiningtheGreekwords forlifeandturn).
Cinema - general words
- 12A
- animation
- animator
- audio described
- audio description
- fade
- filmic
- filming
- filmstrip
- flick
- footage
- franchise
- projection
- Rambo
- reel
- remake
- rerelease
- rescreen
- reshoot
- sting