uk/wɪŋ/us/wɪŋ/wingnoun[C](FOR FLYING)
theflatpartof thebodythat abird,insect, orbatuses forflying, or one of theflat,horizontalstructuresthatstickout from thesideof anaircraftandsupportit when it isflying:
(鸟类等的)翅膀;(飞机的)机翼thedelicacyof a butterfly's wings蝴蝶翅膀的精致
I couldseethe plane's wing out of mywindow.我透过身边的窗户能看到飞机的机翼。

[usually plural]
the wing of achickeneatenasfood:
Wesatthereeatingwings andwatchingaballgame.
Wednesdaynightsat thebaryou can get akiloofhot(=spicy)wings for $5.
Cut eachchickenwing into 2piecesat thejoint.
See also
buffalo wings

take wingliterary
If abirdtakeswing, itfliesaway.
突然发展;自由飞扬Shewalkedin thehills,lettingherthoughtstake wing.她走在山间,任思绪自由飞扬。
on the wingliterary
Abirdthat is on the wing isflying.
(鸟儿)正在飞翔- Thepoorbirdcouldn'tflybecause it had abrokenwing.
- With one wingdamaged, themodelairplanespiralleddownwards.
- Acloseinspectionrevealedminutecracksin the aircraft'sfuselageand wings.
- I'venearlyfinishedmaking myplane- I just have togluethe wings on.
- Thehummingbirdbeatsitswings atgreatspeed.
- Vendingmachinesprovidethe onlyfoodforguests-includingmicrowavepizzas,sandwichesand barbecuedchickenwings.
Air travel: parts of aeroplanes
- aileron
- aisle
- altimeter
- autopilot
- bulkhead
- finny
- fixed-wing
- flaperon
- flight deck
- multi-engine
- nose
- nose cone
- propeller
- safety belt
- shell
- skid
- spoiler
- stabilizer
- starboard
- tail light
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Miscellaneous animal body parts
Cuts of meat
Movement through the air
Making progress and advancing
Animal (non-human) behaviour
agroupwithin apoliticalpartyororganizationwhosebeliefsare in some way different from those of themaingroup:
(政党中的)派别,宗派Thepresidentis on theleftwing of theDemocraticparty.总统属于民主党左翼。
Theextremerightwing of thepartyhasdominatedthediscussion.该党派中的极端右翼主导了讨论。
- Hecriticizedwhat hedescribedas the 'neanderthaltendencies' of therightwing of theparty.
- He's on therightwing of theparty.
- ManypeopleconsiderSinn Fein to be thepoliticalwing of theIRA.
- Religiousfanaticshaveformedanunholyalliancewithrightwinggroups.
- During the lastdecadetheleftwing of thepartyhasheldthewhiphand.
Groups of people
- alliance
- an
- anti-gang
- assemblage
- babyboomer
- bunch
- flashmob
- flock
- focus group
- foursome
- fraternity
- mafia
- sandwich generation
- silent majority
- sisterhood
- special interest group
- splinter group
- squad
- suspect
- syndicate
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Political movements & groups
apartof alargebuildingthatsticksout from themainpart, often having beenaddedat alaterdate:
(常指后来增建的)建筑翼部,厢房,侧厅Thematernitydepartmentwill be in the new wing of thehospital.产科病房将设在医院新建的一侧。
Thewestwing of thehouseis stilllivedin byLordandLadyCarlton, while therestof thehouseisopento thepublic.房子的西翼仍由卡尔顿勋爵及夫人居住,而其余部分则向公众开放。
Parts of buildings in general
- addition
- annex
- annexe
- downstairs
- elevation
- extension
- façade
- foundation
- frontage
- Juliet balcony
- man cave
- multi-chambered
- organ loft
- superstructure
wingnoun[C](PART OF CAR)
one of the fourpartsat thesideof acarthat go over thewheels:
(汽车的)挡泥板,翼子板There's adentin theleftwing.左挡泥板上有个凹痕。
Look inyourwingmirror.看你侧面的反光镜。

Ioannis Tsotras/Moment/GettyImages
The exterior of vehicles
- a fifth/third wheelidiom
- bull bar
- cab
- coachwork
- crumple zone
- finny
- fog light
- full beam
- hazard light
- headlight
- high beams
- hubcap
- mudflap
- side mirror
- sidelight
- sunroof
- tire
- tow bar
- tread
- turn signal
(invariousteamgames, such asfootballandhockey) either of the twosidesof thesportsfield, or aplayerwhosepositionis at either of the twosidesof thefield:
(足球、曲棍球等集体项目的)侧翼位置,侧翼队员,边锋队员Zinolipassestheballto Pereira out there on the wing.齐诺利将球传给处在边锋位置的佩雷拉。
Heplayedleft/rightwing for ManchesterUnited.他在曼联队踢左/右边锋。
Surfaces on which sports take place
- 18-yard box
- AstroTurf
- bound
- bowling green
- canvas
- climbing wall
- court
- goal line
- golf course
- ground staff
- out of boundsidiom
- playability
- playable
- playing field
- pump track
- recreation center
- rink
- sideline
- skatepark
- upright
the wings[plural]
thesidesof astagethat cannot beseenby thepeoplewatchingtheplay:
(舞台的)侧面I wasinthe wingswaitingfor mycueto come onstage.我站在舞台的侧面,等待着上台的提示。
Theatres, cinemas & their parts
- art house
- arthouse
- backstage
- billboard
- bioscope
- fleapit
- footlights
- green room
- onstage
- orchestra pit
- scenery
- setting
- spotlight
- stage
- stage left
- stage right
- stagy
- theater
- theatre
- upstage
on a wing and a prayer
informaluk/wɪŋ/us/wɪŋ/wing it
toperformorspeakwithout havingpreparedwhat you are going to do or say:
即兴做;即兴发言I didn't havetimetopreparefor thetalk, so I just had to wing it.我没时间准备发言,所以只好即兴发挥了。
Not expected or planned
- abruptly
- abruptness
- ad hoc
- ad hocism
- ad hockery
- extemporize
- inconceivably
- innocent
- innocently
- instinctive
- instinctively
- sine die
- spirit
- spontaneity
- spontaneous
- spontaneously
- unannounced
- untoward
- unwitting
- unwittingly