uk/waɪər/us/waɪr/wirenoun(METAL THREAD)
apieceofthinmetalthreadthat can bebent, used forfasteningthings and for makingparticulartypesofobjectsthat arestrongbut canbend:
金属丝;金属线a wirefence金属线栅栏

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(apieceof)thinmetalthreadwith alayerofplasticaround it, used forcarryingelectriccurrent:
电线;导线Someone hadcutthephonewires.有人切断了电话线。
Don'ttouchthose wires whatever you do.无论如何都别碰那些导线。

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asecretrecordingdevicehiddenwornby aperson,especiallyone that ishiddenintheirclothes:
(尤指藏在衣服内的)窃听器Theundercoverpoliceofficerwaswearinga wire during themeeting.卧底警官身上藏着窃听器参加了会面。
the wire
the wirefencearound aprisonorprisoncamp:
(监狱等处的)铁丝网During thewarhespentthreeyearsbehindthe wire(= inprison).战争期间他蹲了3年监狱。
- A wire has comelooseat the back.
- Thecablehas acopperwiresurroundedby aplasticsheath.
- Thefilamentsoflightbulbsare made fromtungstenwire.
- Looseelectricwires weredanglingfrom thewall.
- Drill aholethrough the back of thecupboardandpassthe wires through.
Chemistry: metals & metalworking
- alloy
- anti-tarnish
- bar magnet
- base metal
- beaten
- bimetallic
- brazen
- brazier
- bullion
- ferrous
- galvanized
- gild
- gold leaf
- lode
- magnet
- scrap
- untarnished
- vermeil
- wrought iron
- zirconium
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Electrical components & circuitry
Electrical switches & connections
Audio & video equipment
Prisons & parts of prisons
电报Letters, notes and cards
- aerogramme
- air letter
- billet-doux
- chain letter
- Christmas card
- correspondence
- get-well card
- greetings card
- handbill
- hate mail
- invitation
- invite
- junk mail
- place card
- poison-pen letter
- postcard
- PS
- rejection
- round robin
down to the wire
getyourwires crossed
under the wire
uk/waɪər/us/waɪr/wireverb[T](METAL THREAD)
tofastentwo things together using wire:
用金属丝捆扎She had herjawswiredtogetherso that she wouldn't beabletoeat.她把上下颌用金属丝捆在一起,这样就不能吃东西了。
(alsowire up)
toconnectapieceofelectricalequipmentwith wires so that it willwork:
为(电子设备)接上电线(或导线)Thestereowasn'tworkingbecause it hadn't been wired upcorrectly.立体声音响不响了,因为电线没有接好。
Nearly onehomein tenacrossthecountryis wired up toreceiveTVviacable.该国有近十分之一的家庭通过电缆接收电视信号。
Fastening and tying
- anchor
- bale
- be locked togetheridiom
- belay
- bind
- boardsomethingup
- bound
- bowline
- granny knot
- half hitch
- harness
- hobble
- hogtie
- stake
- strap
- strapsomeonein
- strapsomethingup
- tack
- tapesomethingup
- tether
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Electricity & electronics
wireverb[T](SEND MESSAGE)
tosendmoneyusing anelectricalcommunicationsystem:
用电报传送;(尤指)电汇Theinsurancecompanywired millions ofdollarstoitsaccountstocoverthepayments.保险公司向其账户里电汇了几百万美元以支付该款项。
[+ two objects]Luckily myfatherwired me two hundredbucks.幸运的是,爸爸电汇给我200美元。
in the past, tosendsomeone atelegram:
(过去)给…发电报Janet wired me to say she'd be here adaylaterthanplanned.珍妮特发电报给我,说她要比计划晚一天到这里。
Communications - messaging
- beep
- bleeper
- direct message
- DM
- facsimile
- intercom
- Mailgram
- message
- messaging
- p.m.
- page
- pager
- resend
- Telemessage
- telex
- text
- text message
- thnq
- tweet
- tweetstorm
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Communications - the postal system