word search
(alsowordsearch)uk/ˈwɜːd ˌsɜːtʃ/us/ˈwɜ˞ːd ˌsɜ˞ːtʃ/a wordpuzzle(=typeofgame)in whichlettersare written in agrid(= asquaredividedinto manysmallsquares)and you have tofindwords made by theseletters,followingthelinesin anydirection:
Thebookletcontainsmore than180garden-themedcrosswordsand wordsearches.
Thetaskis tofindsevenjobshiddenin the wordsearch.
- You can alsoprintout wordsearchesorquizzestocompletein moretraditionalways.
- Use theprogramtogeneratenewrandomwordsearchpuzzles.
- Thanks to the hundreds of you whoenteredlast month's wordsearch. It was thebestresponsewe'veeverhad for acompetition.
- Practical Poultrymagazineevenhas a wordsearch,comprisingsuchall-importantwords as "beak" and "rooster", toentertainthechildren.
Miscellaneous games & activities
- air hockey
- beer pong
- boomerang
- bran tub
- buildering
- bungee
- cage diving
- Frisbee
- horseshoe
- juggling
- jump rope
- keepy-uppy
- korfball
- raffle
- stoop ball
- story mode
- subworld
- sudoku
- table football