work noun (ACTIVITY )
A1 [U ] anactivity, such as ajob, that apersonusesphysicalormentaleffortto do, usually formoney:
工作,活儿;劳动 I've got so much work todo . 我有一大堆工作要做。
Carryingheavyloadsaround alldayishard work. 整天来回运送重物是个苦活儿。
Whattimedo youstart/finish work? 你什么时间开始/完成工作?
Aileendoes most of the work around thehouse. 艾琳做大部分的家务活儿。
Whatsortof work are youexperiencedin? 你对哪一种工作有经验?
Shetendstowearquitedressyclothesfor work. 她总是穿得漂漂亮亮的去上班。
Roger's workinvolvesa lot oftravelling. 罗杰的工作需要经常出差。
A2 [U ] thematerialused by someone at work, or what theyproduce:
工作材料;工作成果 I'll have to take this workhomewith me andfinishit there. 我只好把这项工作带回家完成。
All thefurnitureis the work ofresidentshere. 所有的家具都是这里居民的劳动成果。
Incommonwith manymothers, shefeelstornbetween herfamilyand her work. You need to haveagilefingersto do thiskindof work. We had adisagreementover thefeefor the work. We'vefinisheddecoratingupstairsbut thedownstairsstillneedssome work. Theypayme next to nothing but I reallyenjoythe work. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWork, working and the workplace
act assomething all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy) idiom assignment bandh be at work idiom grind hoop hot-desking hotelling housekeeping in the line of duty idiom induction industry moonlight skivvy slave slog slouch spadework undertaking See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
work noun (PLACE )
A1 [U ] aplacewhere apersongoesspeciallyto dotheirjob:
工作场所,工作地点 Do you havefartotravelto work eachday? 你每天上班路远不远?
Thousands ofpeopleareseriouslyinjuredat work everyyear. 每年都有数以千计的人在工作中受重伤。
When does sheleavefor work? 她什么时候出门去上班?
It's at least an hour'scommuteto work. I like theconvenienceoflivingso near work. She had acrashon the way to work. I've been getting a lot ofaggravationat workrecently. We back upourcomputerfilesat work on adailybasis. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWork, working and the workplace
act assomething all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy) idiom assignment bandh be at work idiom grind hoop hot-desking hotelling housekeeping in the line of duty idiom induction industry moonlight skivvy slave slog slouch spadework undertaking See more results »
work noun (CREATION )
B2 [C ] somethingcreatedas aresultofeffort,especiallyapainting,book, orpieceofmusic:
(尤指绘画、书籍或音乐)作品,著作 Themuseumhas many worksby Picasso as well as othermodernpainters. 这家博物馆有很多毕加索的作品,也有不少其他现代画家的作品。
thepoeticworks of Tagore 泰戈尔的诗作
Thisnovelis hisbestwork todate. Thematureworks of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Schubertbelongto the Classicalperiod. The museum'scollectionincludesworks ofartfrom all around theworld. TheexhibitionjuxtaposesPicasso's earlydrawingswith some of hislaterworks. In acodato themainexhibitionarevariousworks which wereonceattributed to Rembrandt. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesProducts & producers
anti-dumping badging begetter big pharma big tobacco creator deliverable dry goods end product fabricator generator haul maker marque non-proprietary notion output overstock producer proprietary See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
The visual arts in general
work noun (SURGERY )
[U ] informal surgery (= amedicaloperation) that is done toimprovesomeone'sappearance:
整容外科手术 Shedenieshaving had anycosmeticsurgery, but Ithinkshe'sdefinitelyhad some work done. 她否认做过任何整容手术,但我认为她肯定做过一点。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMedical treatment: surgery
a nip and tuck idiom ablate adrenalectomy amputation amputee anaesthesiology anaesthetize implantable implantation incision interoperative intraoperative knife laughing gas sex change sex reassignment surgery snip splenectomy spreader transfusion See more results »
work noun (EVERYTHING )
the works informal
everything that you mightwantorexpecttofindin aparticularsituation:
全套物品 Thebridegroomwaswearingamorningsuit,gloves,tophat- the works. 新郎穿着晨礼服,戴着手套和高顶礼帽——全套的行头。
mainlyUS And can I have twolargepizzaswith the works(= with allavailabletypesoffoodontop) . 给我来两份全套的比萨饼吧。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSomething, anything, nothing, and everything
across-the-board anything aught bazillion bubkes fat fresh matter nil none not a dicky bird idiom not a sausage idiom not/nothing much idiom summat sweet sweet fanny adams idiom what with one thing and another idiom whatevs whit zero See more results »
work noun (FACTORY )
works [C ] plural works
anindustrialbuilding,especiallyone where a lot ofpeopleareemployed:
(尤指工人众多的)工厂 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFactories
assembly line brewery cannery chemical park conveyor belt industrial park mill miller mint multi-plant on the factory floor idiom pallet power station rolling mill slaughterhouse smithy solar plant steel mill sweatshop tannery See more results »
work noun (MACHINE )
works [plural ]
thepartsof amachine,especiallythose thatmove:
(机器的)活动部件 If you take the back off thisclock, you canseeits/the works. 如果你把钟的后盖打开,就会看到那些活动部件。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMachines - Engines & motors
clockwork electromotive engine exhaust motor multi-engine power-assisted servomechanism servomotor sprocket starter motor steam engine traction engine treadle turbo workings
work noun (PHYSICS )
[U ] physics specialized forcemultipliedbydistancemoved
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPhysics: energy, force & power
anti-gravity atmospheric pressure attract attraction bar magnet barometric pressure frictionless fundamental force G-force gravitational high-impact meltdown propulsion stored energy strong force surface tension thermodynamic transduce transduction unexcited See more results »
Grammar Work (noun)
Work is an uncountable noun when it means something we do that takes an effort, often as part of a job or for study: …
Work as an uncountable noun
Work is an uncountable noun when it means something we do that takes an effort, often as part of a job or for study: …
Work as a countable noun
Work as a countable noun means something created, especially a book or painting or piece of music or sculpture: …
Idioms all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy)
be at work
be in work
be out of work
get/set to work
haveyour work cut out (foryou )
in the works
work verb (HAVE EFFECT )
B1 [I usually + adv/prep ] to beeffectiveorsuccessful:
有效;成功 Herideaforreorganizingthedepartmentwill never workinpractice . 她关于部门重组的构想实际上永远都不会实现。
Thetabletswillstartto workin a fewminutes. 几分钟后药片就会开始起作用。
SomepeoplethinkI'mweirddoingmeditation, but it worksfor me and that's all thatmatters. 有些人认为我进行冥想有点古怪,但这对我有用,这才是最重要的。
Arguably, themonarchyworkedwell for manycenturies. 有据可考,君主政体成功施行了很多个世纪。
Theargumentthatsanctionsshould be given moretimeto work isseductivebutfatallyflawed. Inconclusion, Isubmitthat theproposalwill not work without somemajorchanges. Theoppositionclaimedthat the government'seducationpolicywas not working. My newdietseemsto be working. I'velostweightalready. Thesetacticsworked well in the lastmatch. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPerforming a function
act act assomething function function assomething/someone functionalist high-performance janitorial make multifunctional on on it idiom operate operation purpose serve take taken work a treat idiom See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Succeeding, achieving and fulfilling
work verb (DO JOB )
A1 [I orT ] to do ajob,especiallythejobyou do toearnmoney:
Where do you work?
He worksat thehospital. 他在当地的医院工作。
She workedas acleanerat thehospital. 她在医院里当清洁工。
Mike worksfor acomputercompany. 迈克在一家计算机公司工作。
I workin managementtraining.
Have you anyexperienceof workingwith childrenwho havelearningdifficulties? 你有没有教授过有学习障碍的孩子?
It's notunusualfor ajuniordoctorto work a 70 or sometimes an 80-hourweek. 对于一名初级医生来说,每周工作70甚或80小时是很平常的。
See also work to rule (work-to-rule)
[T ] to make apersonoranimaldo ajob:
Theinstructorsworked us veryhard on thesurvivalcourse. 生存训练课上,老师把我们累坏了。
Many of theanimalswere worked todeath.
He works for acompanythat makessoftware. She works threeafternoonsaweekat thelibrary. She has worked as anestateagentamong other things. I worked as an artist'smodelwhen I was astudent. I'm working late thisevening. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWork, working and the workplace
act assomething all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy) idiom assignment bandh be at work idiom grind hoop hot-desking hotelling housekeeping in the line of duty idiom induction industry moonlight skivvy slave slog slouch spadework undertaking See more results »
work verb (OPERATE )
A2 [I orT ] If amachineordeviceworks, itoperates,especiallycorrectlyand withoutfailure, and if you work it, you make itoperate:
运转,运行;操作 Ourphoneisn't working. 我们的电话坏了。
You need ateamof about twelvepeopleto work afurnacethissize. 这样大小的熔炉需要大约12个人来维持其运行。
Thepumpworksoff/on (= uses) windpower. 这个泵利用风力。
Thepumpis workedby (= uses tooperate) windpower. 这个泵靠风力运转。
I can'tget theradioto work. 我怎么也弄不好这台收音机。
You'rewelcometo it - I can never get it to workproperly. Dustparticlesmust have got into themotor, which is why it isn't workingproperly. How do you work thismachine? It's a common-or-gardenwashingmachinewith just thebasicfunctions, but it worksperfectlywell. Themachineworksaccordingto theprincipleofelectromagneticconduction. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMachines - Functioning
action actuator asthmatically deactivation engaged firesomeone up function assomething/someone functional functionality functioning in commission idiom light operate operational order power reset self-driving start (something ) up tick over See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
[I orT ,+ adv/prep ] tosucceedgraduallyinbecomingsomething orcauseapersonor thing tobecomesomething, either by making aneffortor by making manysmallmovements:
(使)变成;(使)成为 Hestartedas atechnicianand worked hisway up through thecompanytobecomemanagingdirector. 他从一名技术员做起,一步一步晋升为公司的总经理。
Eventually she worked herway through (=read) thehugeamountoftechnicalpapers. 最后她终于读完了一大堆技术论文。
Vibrationtendsto makenutsandscrewswork themselves loose . 震动会使螺母和螺丝自动松开。
Thescrewshad workedlooseovertime. 随着时间的推移,螺丝已经松了。
Sidneyruthlesslyworked his way up from thepositionofjuniorclerktochairmanof thecompany. She is now aseniorexecutivehaving worked her way up through thecompany. Thesplinterhad workeditsway under hisskin. It will take allweekendto work through thispileofmarking. Sheplansto work her way to thetop. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSucceeding, achieving and fulfilling
A game accomplish achieve acquit actualize bear go (like/down) a bomb idiom go far idiom go from strength to strength idiom go into orbit idiom go places idiom kill pan rise scrape through(something) sewsomething up slam dunk smash it idiom somewhere stand out See more results »
work verb (ARRANGE )
[T ] informal toarrangefor something tohappen,especiallyby not usingofficialmethodsand/or by beingclever:
(尤指不通过官方认可的方式或巧妙地)安排 I don'tknowhow she workedit , but sheretiredat 50. 我不知道她是如何做到在50岁退休的。
Can we workthings (out) so that there's always someone here toanswerthephoneduringofficehours? 我们能否安排一下,以便在工作时间这里总是有人接电话?
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPlanning, expecting and arranging
accidentally accidentally on purpose idiom advertent advisedly aim atsomething bargain I might have known idiom I'll/we'll cross that bridge when I/we come/get to it idiom insomeone's crosshairs idiom in the pipeline idiom in the works idiom pencil provision purposefully purposely put the cart before the horse idiom puttheir heads together idiom rearrange settle sleeve See more results »
work verb (SHAPE )
[T ] toshape,change, orprocessasubstance:
使成形;塑造;加工 Workingironrequireshighertemperaturesthanbronze. 加工铁比加工青铜需要更高的温度。
Gently work thebutterinto theflouruntil there are nolumpsleft. 轻轻地把黄油揉到面粉里,直到没有硬块为止。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPatterns and shapes
amorphous arabesque argyle asymmetrically asymmetry bossy filigree fishhook flecked flowery formless fretted herringbone oblong shapeless shapelessly shapelessness sigmoid snow angel swoosh See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Industrial processing
Creating and producing
Idioms work a treat
work like a charm
work wonders/miracles
workyour fingers to the bone
work like a dog
work till/untilyou drop
workyour way around tosomething
Phrasal verbs work against/forsomeone
work atsomething
worksomething off
work onsomething
work onsomeone
worksomething out
work out
worksomeone out
work(something) out
worksomeone over
work throughsomething
work upsomething
worksomeone up
work(yourself) up tosomething
used to refer toworkof aparticulartype:
…工作(表示工作的种类) homework 家庭作业
paperwork 文字工作
used to refer to askilloractivityusing aparticulartypeofmaterial:
使用(某种材料)的手艺(或活动) Girls andboysstudywoodworkandmetalworkat thisschool. 在这所学校里,男孩和女孩们学习木工和金属制造手艺。
used tonamethings made of aparticularmaterial:
…制品 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesTypes of employment
admin administrative administrative assistant administratively at the coalface idiom jobless joblessness jobseeker labour-intensive lackey professionality qualified recertify redundancy redundant virtual assistant well qualified WFH white-collar who's who idiom See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Building: construction work & workers
(Definition ofwork from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
work noun (ACTIVITY )
A1 [U ] anactivity, such as ajob, that apersonusesphysicalormentaleffortto do, usually formoney
工作,活儿;劳动 I've got so much work todo . 我有一大堆工作要做。
Carryingheavyloadsaround alldayishard work. 整天来回运送重物是个苦活儿。
Whattimedo youstart/finish work? 你什么时间开始/完成工作?
Aileendoes most of the work around thehouse. 艾琳做大部分的家务活儿。
Whatsortof work are youexperiencedin? 你对哪一种工作有经验?
Shetendstowearquitedressyclothesfor work. 她总是穿得漂漂亮亮的去上班。
Roger's workinvolvesa lot oftravelling. 罗杰的工作需要经常出差。
A2 [U ] thematerialused by someone at work, or what theyproduce
工作材料;工作成果 I'll have to take this workhomewith me andfinishit there. 我只好把这项工作带回家完成。
All thefurnitureis the work ofresidentshere. 所有的家具都是这里居民的劳动成果。
Incommonwith manymothers, shefeelstornbetween herfamilyand her work. You need to haveagilefingersto do thiskindof work. We had adisagreementover thefeefor the work. We'vefinisheddecoratingupstairsbut thedownstairsstillneedssome work. Theypayme next to nothing but I reallyenjoythe work.
work noun (PLACE )
A1 [U ] aplacewhere apersongoesspeciallyto dotheirjob
工作场所,工作地点 Do you havefartotravelto work eachday? 你每天上班路远不远?
Thousands ofpeopleareseriouslyinjuredat work everyyear. 每年都有数以千计的人在工作中受重伤。
When does sheleavefor work? 她什么时候出门去上班?
It's at least an hour'scommuteto work. I like theconvenienceoflivingso near work. She had acrashon the way to work. I've been getting a lot ofaggravationat workrecently. We back upourcomputerfilesat work on adailybasis.
work noun (CREATION )
B2 [C ] somethingcreatedas aresultofeffort,especiallyapainting,book, orpieceofmusic
(尤指绘画、书籍或音乐)作品,著作 Themuseumhas many worksby Picasso as well as othermodernpainters. 这家博物馆有很多毕加索的作品,也有不少其他现代画家的作品。
thepoeticworks of Tagore 泰戈尔的诗作
Thisnovelis hisbestwork todate. Thematureworks of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Schubertbelongto the Classicalperiod. The museum'scollectionincludesworks ofartfrom all around theworld. TheexhibitionjuxtaposesPicasso's earlydrawingswith some of hislaterworks. In acodato themainexhibitionarevariousworks which wereonceattributed to Rembrandt.
work noun (SURGERY )
[U ] informal surgery (= amedicaloperation) that is done toimprovesomeone'sappearance
整容外科手术 Shedenieshaving had anycosmeticsurgery, but Ithinkshe'sdefinitelyhad some work done. 她否认做过任何整容手术,但我认为她肯定做过一点。
work noun (EVERYTHING )
the works informal
everything that you mightwantorexpecttofindin aparticularsituation
全套物品 Thebridegroomwaswearingamorningsuit,gloves,tophat- the works. 新郎穿着晨礼服,戴着手套和高顶礼帽——全套的行头。
mainlyUS And can I have twolargepizzaswith the works(= with allavailabletypesoffoodontop) . 给我来两份全套的比萨饼吧。
work noun (FACTORY )
works [C ] plural works
anindustrialbuilding,especiallyone where a lot ofpeopleareemployed
(尤指工人众多的)工厂 asteel/ironworks 钢/铁厂
work noun (MACHINE )
works [plural ]
thepartsof amachine,especiallythose thatmove
(机器的)活动部件 If you take the back off thisclock, you canseeits/the works. 如果你把钟的后盖打开,就会看到那些活动部件。
work noun (PHYSICS )
[U ] physics specialized forcemultipliedbydistancemoved
Grammar Work (noun)
Work is an uncountable noun when it means something we do that takes an effort, often as part of a job or for study: …
Work as an uncountable noun
Work is an uncountable noun when it means something we do that takes an effort, often as part of a job or for study: …
Work as a countable noun
Work as a countable noun means something created, especially a book or painting or piece of music or sculpture: …
Idioms all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy)
be at work
be in work
be out of work
get/set to work
haveyour work cut out (foryou )
in the works
work verb (HAVE EFFECT )
B1 [I usually + adv/prep ] to beeffectiveorsuccessful
有效;成功 Herideaforreorganizingthedepartmentwill never workinpractice . 她关于部门重组的构想实际上永远都不会实现。
Thetabletswillstartto workin a fewminutes. 几分钟后药片就会开始起作用。
SomepeoplethinkI'mweirddoingmeditation, but it worksfor me and that's all thatmatters. 有些人认为我进行冥想有点古怪,但这对我有用,这才是最重要的。
Arguably, themonarchyworkedwell for manycenturies. 有据可考,君主政体成功施行了很多个世纪。
Theargumentthatsanctionsshould be given moretimeto work isseductivebutfatallyflawed. Inconclusion, Isubmitthat theproposalwill not work without somemajorchanges. Theoppositionclaimedthat the government'seducationpolicywas not working. My newdietseemsto be working. I'velostweightalready. Thesetacticsworked well in the lastmatch.
work verb (DO JOB )
A1 [I orT ] to do ajob,especiallythejobyou do toearnmoney, or to make someone do ajob
(使)工作;(使)劳动;(使)干活儿(尤指为了挣钱) He works at thehospital. 他在当地的医院工作。
She workedas acleanerat thehospital. 她在医院里当清洁工。
Mike worksfor acomputercompany. 迈克在一家计算机公司工作。
It's notunusualfor ajuniordoctorto work a 70 or sometimes an 80-hourweek. 对于一名初级医生来说,每周工作70甚或80小时是很平常的。
Have you anyexperienceof workingwith childrenwho havelearningdifficulties? 你有没有教授过有学习障碍的孩子?
Theinstructorsworked us veryhard on thesurvivalcourse. 生存训练课上,老师把我们累坏了。
See also work to rule (work-to-rule)
He works for acompanythat makessoftware. She works threeafternoonsaweekat thelibrary. She has worked as anestateagentamong other things. I worked as an artist'smodelwhen I was astudent. I'm working late thisevening.
work verb (OPERATE )
A2 [I orT ] If amachineordeviceworks, itoperates,especiallycorrectlyand withoutfailure, and if you work it, you make itoperate.
运转,运行;操作 Ourphoneisn't working. 我们的电话坏了。
You need ateamof about twelvepeopleto work afurnacethissize. 这样大小的熔炉需要大约12个人来维持其运行。
Thepumpworksoff/on (= uses) windpower. 这个泵利用风力。
Thepumpis workedby (= uses tooperate) windpower. 这个泵靠风力运转。
I can'tget theradioto work. 我怎么也弄不好这台收音机。
You'rewelcometo it - I can never get it to workproperly. Dustparticlesmust have got into themotor, which is why it isn't workingproperly. How do you work thismachine? It's a common-or-gardenwashingmachinewith just thebasicfunctions, but it worksperfectlywell. Themachineworksaccordingto theprincipleofelectromagneticconduction.
[I orT ,+ adv/prep ] tosucceedgraduallyinbecomingsomething orcauseapersonor thing tobecomesomething, either by making aneffortor by making manysmallmovements
(使)变成;(使)成为 Hestartedas atechnicianand worked hisway up through thecompanytobecomemanagingdirector. 他从一名技术员做起,一步一步晋升为公司的总经理。
Eventually she worked herway through (=read) thehugeamountoftechnicalpapers. 最后她终于读完了一大堆技术论文。
Vibrationtendsto makenutsandscrewswork themselves loose . 震动会使螺母和螺丝自动松开。
Thescrewshad workedlooseovertime. 随着时间的推移,螺丝已经松了。
Sidneyruthlesslyworked his way up from thepositionofjuniorclerktochairmanof thecompany. She is now aseniorexecutivehaving worked her way up through thecompany. Thesplinterhad workeditsway under hisskin. It will take allweekendto work through thispileofmarking. Sheplansto work her way to thetop.
work verb (ARRANGE )
[T ] informal toarrangefor something tohappen,especiallyby not usingofficialmethodsand/or by beingclever
(尤指不通过官方认可的方式或巧妙地)安排 I don'tknowhow she workedit , but sheretiredat 50. 我不知道她是如何做到在50岁退休的。
Can we workthings (out) so that there's always someone here toanswerthephoneduringofficehours? 我们能否安排一下,以便在工作时间这里总是有人接电话?
work verb (SHAPE )
[T ] toshape,change, orprocessasubstance
使成形;塑造;加工 Workingironrequireshighertemperaturesthanbronze. 加工铁比加工青铜需要更高的温度。
Gently work thebutterinto theflouruntil there are nolumpsleft. 轻轻地把黄油揉到面粉里,直到没有硬块为止。
Idioms work a treat
work like a charm
work wonders/miracles
workyour fingers to the bone
work like a dog
work till/untilyou drop
workyour way around tosth
Phrasal verbs work against/forsb
work atsth
worksth off
work onsth
work onsb
worksth out
work out
worksb out
work(sth) out
worksb over
work throughsth
work upsth
worksb up
work(yourself) up tosth
used to refer toworkof aparticulartype
…工作(表示工作的种类) homework 家庭作业
paperwork 文字工作
used to refer to askilloractivityusing aparticulartypeofmaterial
使用(某种材料)的手艺(或活动) Girls andboysstudywoodworkandmetalworkat thisschool. 在这所学校里,男孩和女孩们学习木工和金属制造手艺。
used tonamethings made of aparticularmaterial
…制品 stonework 石制品
ironwork 铁制品
work | American Dictionary
work verb (DO A JOB )
[I/T ] to do ajob,esp. ajobyou do toearnmoney:
[T ] She workslonghours.
[T ] Richie worked thenightshift.
[I ] Designers worked with thedirector.
[I ] Mike works for acomputercompany.
[I ] Medics were working on him for anhour.
[I ] She worked on theprojectwith Luce.
[I ] Anna works well withothers.
[I ] I have to work onSaturday.
[I/T ] toperformasintendedordesired, or tocausesomething to do what it wasintendedto do:
[I ] Themedicineought to workrightaway.
[I ] Ourplanworkedperfectly.
[T ] I don’tknowhow to work thiscomputer.
[T ] Heknowshow to work thesystem(= get what hewantsfrom it) .
work verb (HAVE EFFECT )
[I always + adv/prep ] (of aconditionorfact) to have aneffect,esp. one that eitherhelpsorcausesdifficulties:
Time was working against us.
Jimmie has a lot working in hisfavor.
work verb (MAKE OBJECT )
[T ] toshapesomething withyourhands:
Shecarefullyworks theclay.
Idioms work like a dog
work the land
workyour way up
work wonders
Phrasal verbs worksomeone/yourself up
work out
work out
work outsomething
work outsomething
work throughsomething
work upsomething
work up tosomething
work noun (FORCE )
[U ] physics forceused on anobjectmultipliedby thedistanceitmovestheobject,measuredinjoules
work noun (PLACE )
[U ] theplacewhere apersonregularlygoes to do his or herjob:
I had toleavework early.
Does it takelongtocommuteto work?
work noun (OBJECT )
[C ] anobjectproducedas aresultofeffort,esp. somethingintendedto beart:
Themuseumisshowingworks by 20th-centuryartists.
work noun (DO A JOB )
[U ] the use ofeffortto do or make something that hasvalue, and for which you are usuallypaid:
Steve’s out of work again(= notemployed) .
(Definition ofwork from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
[I orT ] HR ,WORKPLACE to do ajob,especiallytoearnmoney:
Do you work?
Heworks as acomputertechnician.
Mybrotherworks for alargeAmericancorporation.
How manypeoplework atyourcompany?
work an eight-hourday/hard/longhours
work in abank/factory/anoffice
[I ] tospendtimeandeffortdoing something:
We wereworking on thepresentationallnight.
The twocountriesworked together ondevelopingthetechnology.
Multinationals will have towork with governmentstoachievethebestbalancebetweenopennessandsecurity.
[I ] totryhard toachieveorimprovesomething:
work at/on sth You need to work onyourcommunicationskills.
I'm not veryconfidenton thephone, but I'mpreparedtowork at it .
be working towards sth Ourfirmis working towards being a paperlessenvironment.
[I ] to beeffectiveorsuccessful:
Theplanseemedto work well.
Thecurrentsystemisn't working, so we'll need tolookat analternative.
[I ] WORKPLACE ,IT if amachineorpieceofequipmentworks, itoperatesasexpected:
Mycomputerisn't working.
I can't get thisprinterto work.
[T ] WORKPLACE ,IT informal tooperateamachineorpieceofequipment:
He doesn'tevenknowhow to work aphotocopier.
[T ] COMMERCE to go around aparticularareathat you areresponsiblefor,especiallyin asalesjob:
Hissaleswerebetterwhen he was working the Londonarea.
[I ] to have a good orbadeffect:
Thetermsthey'reofferingdon't work for us.
HispoorcommandofEnglishworked against him in theinterview.
Herprevioussalesexperienceworked in herfavour .
[T ] tochangetheshapeof amaterialto make somethingelsewith it:
work a mine
NATURAL RESOURCES todigforcoal,minerals, etc.:
These men have been working theminesalltheirlives.
work sb hard
to make someone use a lot ofeffort:
He works histraineesreally hard.
work it so (that) informal
toarrangefor something tohappenin a way that isusefulfor you:
I'm going totryand work it so I canspendtheweekendin New York after theconference.
work the land formal
topreparethesoiltogrowcropson it:
We're here tothankthose who work thelandtofeedus.
work the system
toknowhow todealwith asystemororganizationto get theresultyouwant:
People whoknowhow to work thesystemcansignificantlyreducetheirtaxbill.
work things out
todealwith asituationsuccessfully,especiallywhen there is aproblem:
I'lltryto work things out withoursuppliers.
work your way up sth (also work your way up to sth )
to do aseriesofjobsat differentlevelsin anorganizationuntil youreachapositionat thetopof theorganization:
Shejoinedthecompanyas asalesrepbut worked her way up tomanagingdirector.
work your way up the ladder/hierarchy/ranks I'd like tostayhere and work my way up theauditcareerladder.
Phrasal verbs work out
work sth out
work sth up
HR thejobthat someone does, usually toearnmoney:
full-time/part-time work Manypensionerswill have toconsiderpart-timework tosupplementtheirretirementplans.
find/get/look for work The government'sinitiativehelpstheunemployedfindwork.
He's beenout of work for sixmonthsnow.
badlypaid/well-paid work
give up/go back to/returnto work
WORKPLACE aplace, such as anoffice, afactory, etc., where someone goes to dotheirjob:
The Managing Director alwaysarrivedat work early andstayedlate.
Sheclaimedherstresswas theresultof the bank'shostileworkenvironment .
be at/go to/leave work Whattimedo you go to work in themorning?
WORKPLACE theresponsibilitiesthat arepartofyourjob:
start/finish/stop work I don'tfinishwork until 6.30 pm.
I need totake sometimeoff work tolookafter myson.
Analysts refer tovarioussourcesofinformationtohelpthem makeinvestmentdecisionsintheirday-to-daywork.
Thegovernmentlaunchedaninquiryintothe work of the Monetary Policy Committee.
WORKPLACE thetasksthat need to becompleted:
do/produce/take on work Thedepartmentcan't take on any more work until thisprojectisfinished.
I always end uptaking workhome at theweekend.
thementalorphysicaleffortinvolvedin doing orachievingsomething:
Thebuildersstartedwork on the newofficeslastweek.
carry out/put in work Thewholeteamput in a lot of hard work towinthecontract.
We need toset to work on reviewingourclaimssystem.
Thefinancedepartmenthas beenhard at work on itsyear-endreport.
Management still has a lot ofwork to do toensurethe company'sfuture.
The committee'sreportwas a very goodpieceof work .
good/hard work
[plural ] UK theactivityofbuildingorrepairingsomething:
engineering/repair works Theroadwasclosedforessentialrepairworks.
[C ] PRODUCTION anindustrialbuildingwherematerialsorgoodsaremanufactured:
Residentsprotestedabout thewasteproducedby thenearbyindustrialworks.
the worksclosedown/open
have your work cut out for you informal
to have something verydifficultto do:
Thegovernmenthasitsworkcutout for ittryingtoreducethenationaldeficit.
in the works
in theprocessof beingplannedordiscussed:
Protestersclaimtheproposedcutshad been in the works formonths.
See also casual
contingent work
out of work
public works
welfare to work
work in progress
(Definition ofwork from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof work work
Space permits only a cursory overview of these slighter works. From theCambridge English Corpus
In order for the equilibrium notion to do anywork for the players, moreover, they should know each other's strategies. From theCambridge English Corpus
At 25 minutes' duration and requiring 25 players, it is one of the most substantial works ever to come out of the project. From theCambridge English Corpus
One can argue that if a numerical scheme works well, then its numerical dissipation must have the same qualitative properties as the physical dissipation. From theCambridge English Corpus
They worked toward quick and uniform program implementation and national program standards. From theCambridge English Corpus
However, it does not show that the idea of purely functional space does notwork . From theCambridge English Corpus
Affective responses seem to occur when pupils have almost finished theirwork . From theCambridge English Corpus
There is also the question of marking pupils' or students'work . From theCambridge English Corpus
The teachers, as working women who were active in civic affairs, served as role models to the pupils. From theCambridge English Corpus
Moreover, by working with the entire population of existing design solutions, it makes the indexation and selection of relevant cases redundant. From theCambridge English Corpus
How far can the number of working languages be reduced? From theCambridge English Corpus
This was reinforced by the low priority given to public healthwork at all levels within the organization and by primary care team colleagues. From theCambridge English Corpus
Thework reported in this paper represents the first part of a two part research project. From theCambridge English Corpus
Thework represents the product of two workshops, held in 2004 and 2005. From theCambridge English Corpus
The text is unique, as it represents thework of a single author, who cogently articulates a systematic approach to psychiatry. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith work work These are words often used in combination withwork .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
arduous work
Even feeling and sight - faculties which we might think of as spontaneous, natural, unmediated - are the fruits of long and arduous work.
From theCambridge English Corpus
assigned work
This is because those authorities which have assigned work to their own work forces cannot simply revise a specification to meet higher standards.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
best-known work
His best-known work is his piano concerto which premiered in 1941.
This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.