used to say thatpeopleor things are in aplacetogether or are doing something together:
和…一起;和;跟随;同I was with Sylvia at thetime.那时我和西尔维娅在一起。
Heliveswith hisgrandmother.他和奶奶一起生活。
I'm going to France with acoupleoffriends.我要和几位朋友一起去法国。
Ingrid Bergmanstarredwith Humphrey Bogart in themovie"Casablanca".英格丽‧褒曼同汉弗莱‧博加特联袂主演了电影《卡萨布兰卡》。
Ileftmybookswith Sandra.我把书交给了桑德拉。
Mix thebutterwith thesugarand thenaddtheegg.把黄油和糖搅在一起,然后加鸡蛋。
I'll be with you(= I will give you myattention)in a second.我马上就过来。
She'sstayingwith herparents(= attheirhouse)for a fewmonths.她要在父母的家里住几个月。
He's been with thedepartment(=workingin it)since 2010.他从2010年就开始在这个部门工作了。
- I can'tplaychesswith him. He'scompletelyout of myclass!
- She's having anaffairwith amarriedman.
- I should like sometimetoconferwith mylawyer.
- She'srunningaround with Micky and hisfriendsthesedays.
- Why don't you take him along with you when you go?
Acting, being or existing together
- accompanying
- allied
- along
- alongside
- among
- cooperatively
- double act
- en bloc
- en masse
- epiphenomenon
- non-compatible
- non-conflicting
- one-stop shop
- oneness
- pair off
- twin
- two-way
- unison
- unite
- united
using something:
用,使用;以;借He wasshotatcloserangewith apistol.他被手枪近距离击中。
Shewipedherlipstickoff with atissue.她用纸巾擦掉了口红。
Join the twopiecestogether withglue.用胶把这两块粘在一起。
They set up abusinesswith thehelpof abankloan.他们用一笔银行贷款开了家公司。
- Thewireswerefastenedtogether with aplasticclip.
- Theconcreteisstrengthenedwithsteelrods.
- Rub thewooddown withfinesandpapertill it issmooth.
- Hescoopedthesandinto abucketwith hishands.
- Sealthepackageup withstickytape.
Ways of achieving things
- actively
- another
- approach
- avenue
- bases
- basis
- device
- formula
- media
- method
- methodological
- methodologically
- methodology
- strategy
- styleless
- stylistic
- stylistically
- technique
- thus
- vehicle
having orincludingsomething:
拥有,有atallwoman withdarkhair高个黑发女子
He'smarriedwith threechildren.他结了婚,并有了3个孩子。
They weredividedinto twogroups, with nogirlsin onegroupand noboysin the other.他们被分成了两组,一组没有女孩,一组没有男孩。
Hespokewith asoftIrishaccent.他讲话时带有轻柔的爱尔兰口音。
We're aninternationalcompanywithofficesinParis, New York, and Sydney.我们是一家跨国公司,在巴黎、纽约和悉尼都有办事处。
Twocoffeesplease, one withmilkand one without.请来两杯咖啡,一杯加奶,一杯不加。
Hearrivedin Los Angeles with nothing but theclotheshe waswearing.他到了洛杉矶,除了衣服之外一无所有。
Hewokeup with aterribleheadache.他醒来后头痛欲裂。
I was second in theracewith atimeof 14.2seconds.我在赛跑中得了第二名,成绩是14.2秒。
With abitofluck, we should be back intimefordinner.要是运气好的话,我们还可以及时赶回来吃晚饭。
used at thebeginningofvariousphraseswritten at the end of aletter:
(用于信末祝辞中)Withbestwishesfrom Charles.致以美好的祝愿,查尔斯。
Withlove, Roberta.爱你的罗伯塔。
包括Withyourcontribution, that makes atotalof £45.算上你的捐款,一共是45英镑。
- Many of the TVprogrammesarebroadcastwithsubtitlesfor thedeaf.
- Hespokewithgreatdepthoffeeling.
- She wasdiagnosedwithdiabetes.
- He's been inbedallweekwithflu.
- Suddenly, thebuildingechoedwith thesoundofgunfire.
Having and owning - general words
- acquire
- acquisition
- attach
- attachsomethingtosomething
- be endowed withsomethingidiom
- bear
- bearer
- carry
- holder
- lay
- lord/master/mistress/king/queen of allyousurveyidiom
- makesomething(all)yourownidiom
- mistress
- not/never want for anythingidiom
- revert
- revert tosomething
- shared ownership
- stakesomethingout
- survey
- they've
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Including and containing
Written greetings
relatingto or in thecaseof apersonor thing:
关于;对于;至于;对…来说How are things with you?你过得怎么样?
Russia has justdrawnup atradeagreementwith Norway.俄罗斯刚刚与挪威草拟了一份贸易合约。
This hasn't got anything to do with you(= this is not something you should beinterestedin).这与你毫不相干。
The government'spolicieshave not beenpopularwith(= among)thevoters.政府的政策并不受选民的欢迎。
He's verycarelesswith hismoney.在金钱方面,他很不小心。
Shetalkeda lot about herrelationshipwith Charlotte.她说了很多有关自己与夏洛特之间的恋情。
- Rick's moreinvolvedwith thefinancialend of things.
- They've beenengagedin alegalbattlewith thecouncilfor severalmonths.
- Thepolicehavefoundnoevidenceof aterroristlinkwith themurder.
- I'm havingproblemswith mycomputer.
- Unionsbargainwithemployersforbetterratesofpayeachyear.
Linking and relating
- affiliated
- AL
- appertain tosomething
- applicable
- around
- attach
- concern
- interconnected
- interconnectedness
- interconnection
- intercorrelate
- intercorrelation
- relatable
- relate
- relate tosomeone/something
- relation
- relationship
- relative
- tar
- tie
used to show what is on or in something:
在…上;在…中Shelaidthetablewith thebestchina.她在桌子上摆了最精美的瓷器。
Shefilledthejugup withcream.她把罐子里装满了奶油。
- How much of the earth'ssurfaceiscoveredwithwater?
- Shespreadhertoastwith athicklayerofbutter.
- Iscatteredthewholelawnwithgrassseed.
- Under herbed, theyfoundabagstuffedwithmoney.
- Theplatformwascrammedwithpeopletryingtoboardthetrain.
Including and containing
- absorptive capacity
- all in
- assimilable
- assimilate
- buildsomethingin/intosomething
- carry
- cast
- draw
- encompass
- enshrine
- extend
- factor
- factorsomethingin
- forget
- packsomethingin
- package
- pepper
- peppersomethingwithsomething
- plug(something/someone)intosomething
- reincorporate
because of orcausedby someone or something:
I wastremblingwithfear.我吓得直发抖。
She's been athomewith abadcoldfor the pastweek.她上周因重感冒在家休息。
I can'tworkwith all thatnoisegoing on.噪声一直那么大,我根本没法工作。
Hopes weredashedin thewar-torncapitalwith thenewsthat noaidwould bearrivingthatweek.有消息说那一周所有的救援物资都难以送达遭受战火蹂躏的首都,人们的希望破灭了。
Withexamsapproaching, it's a goodideatoreviewyourclassnotes.随着考试的临近,复习一下你的课堂笔记是个不错的主意。
(What)with all theexcitementandconfusion, Iforgotto saygoodbyeto her.在兴奋和混乱的状态下,我忘了和她道别。
- She wentcrimsonwithembarrassment.
- Herfacecrumpledwithlaughter.
- Thecarwasforcedtoretirefrom theracewith adamagedgearbox.
- Eventually, themetalbuckledwith thepressurethat was beingexertedagainst it.
- I couldn'tcatchwhat theannouncersaid, with all the othernoisegoing on.
Linguistics: connecting words which introduce a cause or reason
- as
- at
- because
- because of
- case
- courtesy
- cuz
- dint
- except
- except thatidiom
- from
- herein
- inasmuch as
- insofar as
- light
- order
- owing to
- since
- that
- virtue
against something:
反对;与…对立Iendedup having anargumentwith her.我最终和她吵了一架。
She hasfoughtaconstantbattlewithdepressionthroughouthercareer.在整个职业生涯中,她都在不停地与抑郁症作斗争。
The twocountrieswent towarwith one another overoilprices.两国因为石油价格而交战。
Atruckhadcollidedwith acar.一辆卡车与一辆小汽车相撞。
- Studentsclashedwithpoliceafterdemonstrationsat fiveuniversities.
- It'sdifficultfor asmallsupermarkettocompetewith thebigsupermarkets.
- Hestruggledwith hisattackerwho thenranoff.
- He had acoupleofscrapeswith thepoliceandendedup incourt.
- Webattledwith theelementsto get therooffixed.
Opposing & against
- ad hominem
- alienate
- alienated
- antagonism
- antagonistic
- anti-boycott
- antithetical
- converse
- insurgent
- nimby
- nimbyism
- non-confidence
- oppositional
- outcry
- protest
- raise
- resistant
- sail against the windidiom
- versus
- virulent
used with wordsshowingseparation:
(与表示分离的词连用)I'drathernotpartwith mycash.我不愿意花钱。
Hedecidedto put hisfailedmarriagebehind him and make acleanbreakwith the past.他决定忘掉自己失败的婚姻,与过去彻底绝断。
- Hisplansrepresentedabreakwithtradition.
- Hesplitup with hisgirlfriendafter they had arowinpublic.
- Theirdecisionto notcalltheirdaughterJanewas abreakwithfamilytradition.
- She wasreluctanttopartwith herfavouritejumper.
- She's justbrokenup with herboyfriend.
Separating and dividing
- apheresis
- atomize
- bifurcate
- bifurcation
- bisect
- clove
- cloven
- dissociate
- dissociateyourselffromsomething
- dissociation
- disunite
- disunity
- fracture
- hive
- polarize
- polarized
- polarizer
- prophase
- pull
- unravel
and, orfollowedby:
和;还有;连同I'd like asteakandfrieswithapplepiefordessert.我想要牛排和炸薯条,甜点要苹果派。
$200 ispayableimmediatelywith afurther$100payableondelivery.马上付200美元,另外100美元交货时付清。
- There will be ascreeningof thefilmwith atalkby thedirectorafterwards.
- They wereofferedafreemeal, withwine.
Linguistics: connecting words joining words or phrases with similar or related meanings
- and/orphrase
- anyhoo
- anyways
- concatenate
- conjunctive
- connective
- consequently
- ergo
- hereby
- I meanidiom
- mean
- now
- slash
- so
- sure enoughidiom
- the thing isidiom
- there
- thing
- what
- with thatidiom
used incomparisons:
(用于比较)同…相比I have nothing incommonwith mybrother.我和我兄弟没什么相似之处。
This cake's verylightcomparedwith the last one you made.这个蛋糕比你上次做的要松软多了。
- Thisroadisquitebusycomparedwith ours.
- Thehotelcertainlycomparedfavourablywith the one westayedin lastyear.
- Thefamilyin thetelevisionprogrammecould not becrediblycomparedwith arealone.
- IthoughtI wasbadlytreatedbut myexperiencespaleincomparisonwith yours.
- Theregenerationof the city'sdowntowndockfrontwill put it on aparwith Nice or Cannes.
Comparing and contrasting
- analogy
- antithesis
- apple
- as againstidiom
- balance
- balancesomethingagainstsomething
- comparative
- competitive
- competitively
- contradistinction
- contrast
- contrastive
- measure
- nonrelative
- perspective
- relative
- relatively
- relativist
- stack
- stack up
supportingsomeone or something:
支持If youwantto go for apromotion, I'll be with you all the way.如果你想去争取提升,我会一直支持你。
You have todecidewhere youstandon thisissue- you're either with me or against me.你得决定在这件事上的立场——要么支持我,要么反对我。
- I need toknowthat you're with me before Istandforelection.
- You're either with us or against us on thisissue.
- Are you with me on this?
- Theoppositionwere with thegovernmenton thedecisionto go towar.
- Manybackbenchersdecidednot tovotewith thegovernmenton thisissue.
Backing, supporting & defending
- adopt
- advocacy
- affirmation
- allyyourselfto/withsomeone
- argumentation
- badge
- bailout
- bet
- champion
- keep the flag flyingidiom
- patronage
- recommended
- red carpet
- reinforce
- right behindsomeoneidiom
- roll out the red carpetidiom
- root
- root forsomeone
- stick together
- sympathetic
in the samedirectionas something:
与…同方向Thewindwas with me on thehomestretchand Iranwell.在赛跑的最后冲刺阶段赶上了顺风,所以我跑得很好。
Direction of motion
- A, a
- abduct
- abduction
- adduct
- adduction
- cross-country
- destined
- direction
- en route
- face
- facing
- from A to Bidiom
- inland
- into
- multidirectional
- outbound
- overland
- right
- the right/wrong/other way aroundidiom
- west
at the samerateortimeas something:
Stoppingdistancesforcarsvarywith thespeedthey aretravellingat.汽车的刹车距离根据当时车速的高低而不尽相同。
Simultaneous and consecutive
- accompany
- all the whileidiom
- along
- along the wayidiom
- alternate
- even
- go along
- in rotationidiom
- in tandemidiom
- in the processidiom
- live stream
- process
- soon
- step
- successive
- successively
- sync
- through
- turn
- while
be withsomeoneinformal
tounderstandwhat someone is saying:
理解(某人)的话Youlookpuzzled- are you with me?你看起来很迷惑——听懂我说什么了吗?
I'msorry, I'm not with you.对不起,我没听懂你的话。
Understanding and comprehending
- apprehend
- apprehensible
- apprehension
- astutely
- atyourfingertipsidiom
- connection
- figure
- hold
- keenness
- keepsomeoneup
- know a hawk from a handsawidiom
- know the scoreidiom
- know/see wheresomeoneis coming fromidiom
- scale
- uncomprehending
- uncomprehendingly
- understanding
- voice recognition
- wake up tosomething
- wisdom
虽然,尽管With all herfaults, she's still a really goodfriend.尽管有那么多缺点,她仍然是个真正的好朋友。
Linguistics: connecting words which express a contrast
- again
- any way you slice itidiom
- at any rateidiom
- at leastidiom
- best
- but
- disjunctive
- given
- however
- in the face ofsomethingidiom
- in the teeth ofsomethingidiom
- might
- nevertheless
- rate
- seeing (that)
- slice
- spite
- though
- tooth
- when
used toexpressawishorinstruction:
(用于表示祝愿或指令)Away with you!(= Go away!)滚开!
Off tobedwith you!(= Go tobed!)快上床睡觉!
On with the show!(= Let itcontinue.)继续演出吧!
Down withschool!(= We don'twant/like it.)不要上学!
Expressing and asking opinions
- amirite
- apothegm
- couch
- day
- editorialize
- express
- far
- propound
- run
- runsomethingbysomeone
- screed
- should've
- soapbox
- sound
- sound off
- talk
- vociferous
- vociferously
- would
- wouldn't
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Linguistics: expressions telling people to stop doing something
Instructions and orders
With: other uses
With is used with the following words:…With
With is a preposition.…Withmeaning ‘in the same place as’
With means ‘in the same place as someone or something’ or ‘accompanying’:…With: reactions and feelings
With often follows adjectives which refer to reactions and feelings:…Withmeaning ‘using’
We use with to refer to what we use to do something:…Withmeaning ‘having’
We use with to mean ‘having’ or ‘possessing’:…Withmeaning ‘because of’
We use with to mean ‘because of’ or ‘as a result of’. This is especially common in speaking:…Idioms
what's withsomething?
with that