superlative ofbad: of thelowestquality, or the mostunpleasant,difficult, orsevere:
最差的;最糟的;最严重的That wastheworstmealI'veevereaten.那是我吃过最糟的一顿饭。
"It wastheworstmomentof mylife," sheadmitted.“那是我一生中的最低谷。”她承认道。
He is my worstenemy.他是我最凶险的敌人。
- Thenewspapercommissionedaseriesofarticleson the worst excesses of thefashionindustry.
- He's his own worstcritic.
- This is one of the worstnaturaldisastersevertobefallthearea.
- The government'seconomicpolicieshaveledus into the worstrecessionforyears.
- I'm notexaggerating- it was the worstmealI'veevereatenin mylife.
Not of good quality
- a miserable, poor, etc. excuse forsomethingidiom
- apology
- appallingly
- atrocious
- atrociously
- awfully
- awfulness
- badness
- downscale
- inadequacy
- inadequate
- inadequately
- janky
- tacky
- tawdriness
- tawdry
- thinness
- third-class
- third-rate
- wretched
beyourown worst enemy
the mostunpleasantordifficultthing,person, orsituation:
最坏的人(或事);最糟的情况That wastheworst I'veseenhimplayin severalyears.那是几年来我所见他打得最差的一次。
- This essay's the worst you'veeverdone. Ithinkyou should do it over.
- The worst of hercriticismwasreservedforjournalists,photographersandothersoftheirilk.
- TheNorthernLine is the worst on the London Underground.
- Thebomb, whichkilled15people, was the worst of aseriesofterroristoutrages.
- He's notfullyrecovered, but he's over the worst .
Worse and worst
- aggravating
- aggravation
- atyourworstidiom
- be in a different leagueidiom
- can't hold a candle toidiom
- hold
- inferior
- league
- not be a patch onsomethingidiom
- not be in the same leagueidiom
- not half asidiom
- not in the same leagueidiom
- not the sameidiom
- patch
- same
- stick
- sticksomeonewithsomething
- to top it allidiom
- topper
- villain
at worst
fear the worst
if the worst comes to the worst
the mostbadly:
最差地;最糟地;最严重地Smallbusinesseshave been worsthitby therecession.小企业受经济衰退打击最为严重。
Roads inruralareaswere worstaffectedby thesnow.农村地区的道路受降雪影响最为严重。
Thestudentsvotedhim the school's worst-dressedteacher.学生们将他评为该校着装最差的教师。
worst of all
used toemphasizewhat is worst about asituation:
(用以强调)最差的是,最糟的是We had nofoodorlight, but worst of all, we had nowater.我们没有食物也没有灯,最糟糕的是,连水也没有。
- TheUnitedNationsissendinghumanitarianaidto theareasworstaffectedby theconflict.
- Doctorstriedtoattendto the worstinjuredsoldiersfirst.
- Astrawpolloflocalinhabitantsconcludedthat Britishtouristswere the worstdressedand Italians the moststylish.
- The worstaffectedareasare withoutpower.
Worse and worst
- aggravating
- aggravation
- atyourworstidiom
- be in a different leagueidiom
- can't hold a candle toidiom
- hold
- inferior
- league
- not be a patch onsomethingidiom
- not be in the same leagueidiom
- not half asidiom
- not in the same leagueidiom
- not the sameidiom
- patch
- same
- stick
- sticksomeonewithsomething
- to top it allidiom
- topper
- villain
old-fashioneduk/wɜːst/us/wɝːst/todefeatsomeone in afightorargument:
击败;打败He was worsted in afightwith abiggerboy.他跟个子大一些的一个男孩打了一架,结果输得狼狈不堪。
Winning and defeating
- annihilate
- annihilation
- bank
- be gunning forsomeoneidiom
- be one in the eye forsomeoneidiom
- convincing
- moral victory
- move/go in for the killidiom
- near thing
- outclass
- outcompete
- sew
- slaughter
- sweep
- sweep the boardidiom
- takesomeonedown
- takesomeoneto the cleaner'sidiom
- takesomethingapart
- takedown
- wipe