uk/əˈdɪk.tɪd/us/əˈdɪk.tɪd/unabletostoptakingdrugs, or doing something as ahabit:
入迷的;上瘾的By theageof 14 he was addictedtoheroin.他14岁的时候,已经吸食海洛因上了瘾。
I'm addictedto(= I very ofteneat)chocolate.我吃巧克力上了瘾。
Iknowthat if IstartwatchingasoapoperaIimmediatelybecomehopelesslyaddicted.我知道自己只要一开始看连续剧,就会马上上瘾,无法自拔。
- Thetreatmentforpeopleaddicted totranquillizersincludestraininginstressmanagementandrelaxationtechniques.
- A lot ofpeoplenowadayshavebecomeaddicted to theinternet.
- Shestartedtaking antidepressants and beforelongshe was addicted.
- He's addicted tocoffeeand cannot do anything in themorninguntil he's had some.
- Assoonas shejoinedthegym, Pam was addicted!
- -aholic
- -oholic
- addiction
- addictiveness
- alcoholic
- be a slave tosomethingidiom
- chemical dependency
- cure
- detoxification centre
- drunk
- functional
- habit-forming
- kick the habitidiom
- mat
- over-dependence
- over-dependent
- pledge
- rehabilitation
- the DTs
- withdrawal symptoms