informaluk/ˈzuː.miz/us/ˈzuː.miz/theactof ananimalrunningaround, sometimes incircles, in a veryenergeticway:
In thearticleavetexplainswhat cancausethezoomies inyourpet.
Oftenyourdogcanget thezoomies incertainsituations, like when you comehomeorproduceaparticulartoy.
Shestayedby mysideand did not do zoomies.
- Thetechnicalnamefor thosesuddenburstsofenergyisfreneticrandomactivityperiods(FRAPS), but they are often referred to as the zoomies.
- We got to the lastjumpbut then shestartedher zoomies.
- Dogsexperiencingthe zoomies mayruninfastcircles, sometimesjumpingon thecouchor otherobjectsintheirpath.
Animal (non-human) behaviour
- accidental
- beg
- behave
- behaviour
- behavioural science
- behaviourist
- claw
- gambol
- groom
- migrate
- monogamous
- monogamy
- murmuration
- nocturnal
- non-migrant
- nuzzle
- ruminate
- scent
- skitter
- torpor