静电复印术Chester Carlsondevelopedxerography, atoolthat would becrucialto the InformationAge.切斯特·卡尔森发明了静电复印术,这一技术对信息时代至关重要。
TheXeroxCorporation, then called the Haloid Company,boughtrightsto the xerographyprocess.施乐公司,当时叫做哈洛伊德公司,购买了静电复印技术的使用权。
- Before xerography, it wasdifficulttosharesuchdocuments.
- Carlson wasgenerallyknownas theinventorof xerography.
- Xerography is a photocopying/printingprocessin which theimageisformedusing theelectrostaticchargeprinciple.
Publishing: printing & word processing
- 3-D printing
- backspace
- bed
- bold
- boldface
- boldfaced
- Braille
- compose
- indent
- indentation
- inline
- intaglio printing
- italic
- print run
- printsomethingout
- printed
- printing
- printing press
- rubber stamp
- stamp