yellow card
uk/ˌjel.əʊ ˈkɑːd/us/ˌjel.oʊ ˈkɑːrd/yellow cardnoun[C ](WARNING)
infootball, and some othersports, asmall,yellowcardthat isshownto aplayerby thereferee(= theofficialwho isresponsiblefor makingcertaintherulesarefollowed)as awarningthat theplayerhas notobeyedarule, and that they will bepunishedif ithappensagain:
Hewasshownayellowcardforanastyfoulon Vastic.
Gazzaearnedasecondyellowcardin the semi-final against Germany in the 1990WorldCup, so wouldmissthefinalifEnglandwon- theylost.

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awarningto someone that they will bepunishedor be at adisadvantageif theycontinuetobehavein aparticularway:
Last week'selectionresultscan beseenas ayellowcardfor thepartyfrom theelectorate.
- This was the secondtimein threedaysthat he was given ayellowcardafterremovinghisshirtin agoalcelebration.
- Jones wasshowna secondyellowcardafter 58minutes, fordissent, andsentoff by theSwissofficial, Carlo Bertolini.
- Manylong-haulairlinesoperateayellowcardsystemfor the mostunrulypassengers. In a writtenwarning,signedby thepilot, thepassengeris told they will bestrappeduntillandingandescortedoff theaircraftbypoliceif they give anyfurthertrouble.
- TheEuropeanCommissionisexpectedtoissueRome withitsfirst "yellowcard"tomorrowforviolatingthespendingrulesdesignedtounderpintheeuro.
- 18-yard box
- 2 3 5
- 4 3 2 1
- 4 4 2
- 4 5 1
- football pools
- footgolfer
- formation
- foul throw
- four five one
- four four two
- nutmeg
- premiership
- professional foul
- promedios
- rabona
- reducer
- relegation zone
- sweeper
- woodwork
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Threats & warnings
yellow cardnoun[C ](MEDICAL)
(alsoYellow Card)
in the UK adocumentwith which someone canofficiallyreportto themedicalauthoritiesanysideeffects(=effectsthathappeninadditionto themain,intendedeffect)of adrug,medicaltreatment, orvaccination:
Wecollecttheyellowcardsandenterthem onto adatabasethatallowsus toprocessandanalysethereportsrapidly.
Nurses can nowreportdrugsideeffectsusing theestablishedYellow Cardsystem.
- As morenursesbecomeprescribers, and as theybecomemoreawareof theyellowcardsystem,nursereportingshouldgrowfurther.
- Whathappensto myyellowcardafter Isubmitit?
- Reports can be made either through thewebsiteor using the Yellow Cardreportformswhich have beendistributedto GPsurgeries.
- Acopyof the Yellow Cardreportthat yousubmitwill notpassedon to anyone withoutyouragreement.
Medical studies & the people who study them
- anatomist
- audiologist
- audiology
- bacteriologist
- bariatrics
- cardiologist
- mannikin
- neurologist
- oculist
- oncologist
- optometry
- oral surgeon
- orthopaedics
- orthoptics
- orthoptist
- podiatrist
- urology
- virologist
- virology
- vivisectionist
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Medical treatment: symptoms & diagnosis of medical problems