anevergreentree(= one that neverlosesitsleaves)withflatleaveslikeneedlesandsmall,redfruits:
In themiddleof thechurchyardstandsanoldyew.
Yew,box, orhollyaresuitableforhedges.
a yewtree紫杉树

sarahdoow/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
woodfrom theyewtree:
abowlmade from yew紫杉木制成的碗
- Britain'soldesttreeisthoughtto be a 3,800-year-old yew at Ashbrittlechurchin Somerset.
- avenuesoflimeand yew
- Yewtreesare thesourceof the anti-cancerdrugtaxol.
- Yewberriesarepoisonous.
- asolidyewfour-posterbed
Types of evergreen & coniferous tree
- Australian pine
- bristlecone pine
- cabbage palm
- carob
- Christmas tree
- fir
- gum tree
- hemlock
- holly
- ironbark
- Joshua tree
- monkey-puzzle
- Norfolk Island pine
- oleander
- pandan
- pitch pine
- redwood
- spruce
- Virginia pine
- white pine
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Types of wood