(alsoyoyo,yo yo)uk/ˈjəʊ.jəʊ/us/ˈjoʊ.joʊ/pluralyo-yosatoyconsisting of acircularobjectthat can be made to go up and down alongpieceofstringto which it istied:
游游拉线盘,悠悠球(一种玩具)Thescientistswereinspiredbyspinningtoysinventedbefore theindustrialage, such as yo-yos andtops.
Hishandwas going up and down like a yoyo.
For the mostparthe is awell-behavedindoor/outdoorcat. Well, he'skindof like a yo yo,wantingin or out everyhouror so.

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adecorationmade from acircularpieceoffabricthat isstitchedaround theedge, with thethreadthen beingpulledtightso that there arefoldsin thefabric:
Fabric yo-yos, whichlooksomething likegatheredflowers, areperfectforadorninganything fromwearableaccessoriestohomedecoritems.
- GaryWhite"celebrateschildhood" bycollectingyo-yos (heowns200 of them ).
- Theyboughtawaterproofblueplasticboxandfilledit withsmalltreasures: a yo-yo; adeckofcards; a fewgolfballs.
- Ingroupsof sixstudents, we were given thetaskofproducingat least 50 yoyos.
- Tosizeyouryo-yo, thefabriccircleshould becutapproximatelytwicethesizeof thefinishedyo-yo.
- The yo-yo is athriftyway to use upscrapsoffabric, or to re-purposeoldfabricfromgarmentsorlinen.
Toys & dolls
- balloon
- beach ball
- chew toy
- doll's pram
- fidget
- fidget spinner
- finger puppet
- go-kart
- marble
- mud pie
- rag doll
- rocking horse
- snow globe
- sock puppet
- soft toy
- squirt gun
- squishy
- stacker
- teddy
- tricycle
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Knitting & sewing
adjective[before noun]
(alsoyoyo,yo yo)uk/ˈjəʊ.jəʊ/us/ˈjoʊ.joʊ/used todescribesomething thatmovesup and downquickly, or something thatchangesrepeatedlybetween oneleveland another:
yo-yodieting(= in which someonelosesweightand thengainsit again,repeatedly)
It’s the yoyosyndrome- theybreakup, then getscaredandrunback to each other, only tobreakup again.
If you are notreadytochangeyourlifethen you are just going tobeginthe yo yoeffect.
- Thedrugcan have a yo-yoeffectonmood.
- Industryexpertssaid last year's yo-yopriceshaveleftmanyinvestorsreluctanttorollthedicewithoil.
- Itremainsto beseenwhether this is thestartof abettertrendor if there areyetmore yo-yomonthsahead.
- ThemanagerisconfidentCity cancastofftheiryo-yotagofrecentseasonsafter a £22msummerspendingspree.
- Theyconformto the second-most-annoyingrelationshiptype(after theconstantbickerers): the yo yolovers,addictedto thedramaofsplittingup and getting back together again.
Changing frequently
- capricious
- capriciously
- capriciousness
- changeable
- dipsy-doodle
- fluidity
- inconsistently
- inconstant
- inflammable
- kaleidoscopic
- kaleidoscopically
- mercurial
- protean
- raggedly
- raggedness
- schizophrenically
- shifting
- volatility
- yo-yoing
- zigzag
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Changing direction
(alsoyoyo)uk/ˈjəʊ.jəʊ/us/ˈjoʊ.joʊ/tomoveup and downquickly, or tochangerepeatedlybetween oneleveland another:
上下快速移动;在不同层面间不停变化She said that herweighthad yo-yoed over theyears.她说她的体重多年来一直不停摇摆变化。
They said that thepriceoffossilfuelsis going to yoyo.
- Theclubhas yo-yoed between thetoptwodivisionsin the last twodecades.
- The onlyworryis theCanadiandollar, which has been yo-yoing about all over theplaceof late.
- Thestockpricehas been yoyoing inrecentweeks.
Raising and lowering
- depress
- elevate
- elevated
- erect
- go down
- hike
- hikesomethingup
- hoick
- hoist
- jack
- jacksomethingup
- prise
- prize
- pry
- putsomethingup
- raise
- re-erect
- ride
- ride up
- run