uk/zɑːf/us/zɑːrf/a tube-shapedpieceofmaterialthat is put around acupforhotdrinks, tostopyouburningyourfingerswhen youholdit:
(热饮杯的)防烫环形圈Did youknowthecardboardthingyaround acoffeecupis called a zarf?你知道咖啡杯的一圈薄纸板叫“zarf”吗?
cup sleeve

Mckyartstudio/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
adecorativeobjectmade ofmetaland with ahandle, used forholdingacupforhotdrinks:
(用以承托热饮杯的)装饰性金属杯形托Because theliquidis sohot, thecupis thenplacedinto adecorativeholdercalled a zarf.因为热饮太烫,杯子会被放进一个叫“zarf”的装饰性杯形托里。

Tom Grundy/Alamy Stock Photo
- I justfoundout that thecardboardsleeveon acoffeecupis called a zarf.
- You need a zarf for acupofcoffeethat's ashotas that.
- IwishI had a few zarfs to put mycoffeecupsin.
- Traditionalteaandcoffeecupswithouthandlesmay have zarfs made ofornamentalmetal.
Lids, covers and stoppers
- bezel
- bottle cap
- bottle top
- bung
- coozy
- cosy
- crystal
- jacket
- Koozie
- lid
- nozzle
- pen lid
- piano lid
- plug
- sleeve
- stopper
- stubby holder
- tab
- tea cosy
- tight-fitting