行为,举止,习惯Thisscandalraisesnewquestionsabout the president'sprivatecomportment.这一丑闻使人们对总统的个人行为提出了新的质疑。
She hadclass, not intermsofwealth, but intermsof comportment,attitudeandstyle.她很有品位,不是在财富方面,而是在举止、态度和风格方面。
someone's behaviour
- behaviourUKYour behaviour today was unacceptable.
- conductHe was dismissed for inappropriate conduct.
- comportmentThis scandal raises new questions about the president's comportment.
- demeanourUKHe has a calm demeanour, even under pressure.
- mannerHis manner can be condescending.
- waysGrandma had some funny ways.
- Hisbodilycomportment (hismilitaryposes,fascinatingfacialdisplays, andcommittedexpressions)visiblyexudedsincerity.
- Beau Brummel wasfamouslyasticklerinmattersof comportment anddress.
- By thetimeStarr wasfinishedwith hisexaminationof the president's comportment, thenationknewmanyprivate,intimatedetailsof Clinton'slife.
Behaving, interacting and behaviour
- as ye sow, so shall ye reapidiom
- atavism
- attachment disorder
- attitude
- behave
- carry
- conduct
- example
- humanization
- humanize
- interaction
- ism
- make niceidiom
- operant
- phase
- presence
- provincialism
- sow
- treat
- treatment