uk/kənˈdʌk.tɪv/us/kənˈdʌk.tɪv/conductiveadjective(OF MATERIAL)
A conductivesubstanceallowsheatorelectricitytotravelthrough it:
Aluminium is a conductivemetal.铝是一种传导性金属。
Agasthat has beenionisedbecomeshighlyconductive.
- Theydevelopedthe firstelectricallyconductiveplastics.
- Copper is tentimesmore conductive thanstainlesssteel.
- Thetoolwillworkwithwoodsand all othernonconductivematerials.
Electricity & electronics
- anti-static
- bitstream
- brownout
- capacitance
- chargeable
- charged
- conduct
- electromagnetism
- generate
- hydropower
- negatively
- non-electric
- non-electrical
- non-electronic
- non-polar
- photoelectric
- piezoelectric
- pylon
- resistance
- shock
conductiveadjective(OF HEARING)
used to refer to atypeofhearinglosscausedbyproblemsin the waysoundwavestravelthrough theear:
Otosclerosis is a conductivehearinglosscausedwhen themiddleearnolongertransmitssoundcorrectlyfrom theeardrumto theinnerear.
Hearingchecksareessentialas conductivehearingimpairmentis veryfrequentinyoungchildren.
- Vitamin Ddeficiencycanevenaffectthebonesof theinnerear,causingconductivehearingloss.
- Externalearanomaliesmay beassociatedwithhearingdisorderssuch as conductivehearingloss.
- If a conductivehearinglossoccursinconjunctionwith a sensorineuralhearingloss, it is referred to as amixedhearingloss.
- Hearinglossof a conductivenaturemayrequiremyringoplasty.
Using the ears
- attend
- auditory
- aural
- aurally
- be all earsidiom
- catch
- cloth ears
- ears are flappingidiom
- earshot
- eavesdropper
- grommet
- hark
- hark atsomeone!idiom
- lend an earidiom
- listen
- mishear
- pin
- prick
- prick(something)up
- sensorineural