enough orsatisfactoryfor aparticularpurpose:
足够的;合格的;合乎需要的Have we got adequatefoodfor 20guests?我们的食物够招待20位客人吗?
I didn't have adequatetimetoprepare.我没有充足的时间来准备。
It's not abigsalarybut it's adequateforourneeds.工资虽不优厚,但足以满足我们的需要了。
The council'sprovisionfor theelderlyisbarelyadequate(= is not enough).市政会给老年人提供的保障不足。
[+ to infinitive]Willfutureoilsuppliesbe adequatetomeetworldneeds?未来的石油供应能满足世界的需要吗?
good enough but not excellent
- acceptableYour essay was acceptable, but I think you could have done better.
- reasonableThey have a reasonable chance of winning.
- adequateThe law provides adequate compensation for robbery victims.
- passableI speak passable Spanish.
- will doIt's not perfect, but it'll do.
- Without the adequateprovisionofchildcare, many women whowishtoworkareunableto do so.
- Newlegislationstill does notofferadequateprotectionfor manyendangeredspecies.
- Theydemandedadequateremunerationfortheirwork.
- Children need adequateamountsofnutritiousfoodstogrowupstrongandhealthy.
- Parentscomplainedthat the newschooldidn't have adequateresourcestodealwith thelargeamountofpupils.
Quite good, or not very good
- acceptable
- adequacy
- adequately
- agreeable
- all very wellidiom
- fair
- impure
- indifferent
- indifferently
- kind
- lesser
- pass
- patchy
- raggedly
- raggedness
- reasonable
- refined
- rose
- rough
- scratch
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