apersonwhotravelswith abackpack, usually notspendingvery muchmoneyandstayinginplacesthat are notexpensive:
10yearsago, mostvisitorsto Costa Rica wereadventurousbackpackerstravellingon abudget.
Theysellmouth-wateringVietnamesefoodat verylowpricesand theplacefillsup with backpackers veryquickly.

kiszon pascal/Moment/GettyImages
apersonwho goeswalkingfromplacetoplacein thecountryside,carryingthe things they need in abackpackandcampingatnight:
"I'm abigbackpacker," he says. "Ilovehikingin the Sierra NevadaMountains."
There is nowateron thishike, but backpackerslookingfor aruggedoutingcanfindgoodcampsitesalong the way.

Johner Images/GettyImages
- Workaway is awebsiteforbudgetbackpackerseagertoworkon a Hawaiianfarmor in a Kathmanduorphanageinexchangeforboard.
- Thehostelhas agenuineandfriendlyatmospherewithindividualroomstoescapefrom the backpackercrowdif youwant.
- Thisrouteonlyseestherarebackpacker with aneyefor goodcross-countrywalking.
- Backpackers areuniquelyequippedfor atriplike this, havingbuiltup thetenacity,skills, andpassiontopushon with severaldaysofsupplies.
- awning
- billy
- bivouac
- bivvy
- bivvy sack
- camping
- camping site
- campsite
- canopy tent
- canvas
- caravan site
- caravanning
- encampment
- pitch
- ridge pole
- ridge tent
- tent city
- tent pole
- tented village
- trailer park
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Travellers & visitors
Hiking & orienteering
Walking and walkers
Moving a long way on foot