ad hominem
formaluk/ˌædˈhɒm.ɪ.nəm/us/ˌædˈhɑː.mɪ.nəm/(of acriticism, etc.)directedagainst aperson,ratherthan against what thatpersonsays:
an ad hominemattackon hisrival对他对手发动的人身攻击
I'm not going to beswayedby ad hominemargumentsattackingmeinsteadofsupportingyourownposition.
- She said shedisagreedwith ad hominemcriticismofartists'work.
- Hisattacksseemlargelyto be of an ad hominemnature.
- Thelanguageisharsh, but none of it ispersonalor ad hominem.
- Theargumentswere more ad hominem thanfactual.
Opposing & against
- alienate
- alienated
- alienation
- antagonism
- antagonistic
- anti-boycott
- antithetical
- be (dead) set againstsomethingidiom
- nimbyism
- non-confidence
- object
- oppositional
- outcry
- protest
- raise
- raise hellidiom
- resistant
- sail against the windidiom
- versus
- virulent
ad hominem
formaluk/ˌædˈhɒm.ɪ.nəm/us/ˌædˈhɑː.mɪ.nəm/in a way that isdirectedagainst aperson,ratherthan against what they say:
Sheknowshow todebateideaswithoutengaginginargumentad hominem.
- People have abadhabitofarguingad hominem.
- I'm not going tocriticisehim ad hominem.
Opposing & against
- alienate
- alienated
- alienation
- antagonism
- antagonistic
- anti-boycott
- antithetical
- be (dead) set againstsomethingidiom
- nimbyism
- non-confidence
- object
- oppositional
- outcry
- protest
- raise
- raise hellidiom
- resistant
- sail against the windidiom
- versus
- virulent
ad hominem
formaluk/ˌædˈhɒm.ɪ.nəm/us/ˌædˈhɑː.mɪ.nəm/criticismorattacksdirectedagainst aperson,ratherthan against what they say:
He neverresortsto ad hominem.
Herspeechcontainedad hominem after ad hominem.
- Theargumentsoondescendsinto ad hominem.
- To say that hissexualindiscretionsdiscredithispositionon thewaris tocommitan ad hominem.
- No ad hominem,please.
Opposing & against
- alienate
- alienated
- alienation
- antagonism
- antagonistic
- anti-boycott
- antithetical
- be (dead) set againstsomethingidiom
- nimbyism
- non-confidence
- object
- oppositional
- outcry
- protest
- raise
- raise hellidiom
- resistant
- sail against the windidiom
- versus
- virulent