very near, next to, ortouching:
邻近的;毗连的Theyworkin adjacentbuildings.他们在相邻的两座楼里工作。
Theylivedin ahouseadjacenttotherailway.他们家住在铁路旁边。
at the side of
- besideCome sit beside me.
- next toYour glasses are on the table next to my tea.
- alongCars were parked along the road.
- alongsideBikes shared the road alongside cars and mopeds.
- againstWe pushed the bed against the wall.
- Thespilloverfrom the adjacentriverfloodedthelowerfields.
- She took aknifeandforkfrom an adjacenttable.
- They took aboattripandtouredthesoutherncoastlineand adjacentislands.
- Theyfoundalovelyhoteladjacent to theseafront.
- Thebusstationis adjacent to therailwaystation.
Next to and beside
- abreast
- adjacency
- adjoining
- against
- along
- alongside
- beside
- bordering
- contiguity
- contiguous
- coterminous
- next door
- next door but oneidiom
- non-contiguous
- on
- shoulder
- shoulder to shoulderidiom
- side
- surrounding
- to
used incompoundsto show that something is notexactlythe thingmentioned, but verysimilarto it:
Forfanslookingfor someexcellenthorror-adjacentmovies, I've put together thelistbelow.
"There are anenormousnumberof science-adjacent and science-relatedcareersfor you tochoosefrom," heexplained.
- There will beprivatescreeningsof terror-adjacentshortmovies.
- Generalscienceand "science-adjacent"conferencesarerichgroundsforbuildingcompetenciesandcollaborationsin and out of thelaboratory.
- Even if he couldn'tliveindependentlyas amusician, it doesn'tmeanhe couldn'tfindsatisfyingdream-adjacentworkas aproducer,musicteacher, etc.
Similar and the same
- affinity
- akin
- alike
- allied
- along the lines ofsomethingidiom
- echo
- evenly
- every inchidiom
- extent
- family
- firm
- homogeneity
- para
- parallel
- parity
- playsomeoneattheirown gameidiom
- put/turn the clock backidiom
- regularity
- snap
- swing