adjustable spanner
UKuk/əˌdʒʌs.tə.bəl ˈspæn.ər/us/əˌdʒʌs.tə.bəl ˈspæn.ɚ/(USmonkey wrench)ametaltoolwithpartsthat can bemovedtotightenorunfastenanysizeofnutorbolt:
活动扳手Theeasiestway toundoand do upnutsis with anadjustablespanner.拧松或拧紧螺母最简单的办法就是使用活动扳手。
Use anadjustablespannertoturnthevalveclockwise.使用活动扳手按顺时针方向旋动阀门。
![picture of adjustable spanner picture of adjustable spanner](
Iurii Garmash/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Fullinstructionsareincluded, and all you need are anadjustablespanner,screwdriverandpenknife.
- When thetrainbrokedown, thedriverappealedtopassengersfor anadjustablespanner.
- There's anadjustablespannerin the car'stoolkit.
- -pronged
- adze
- Allen key
- auger
- awl
- axe
- excavator
- gouge
- grapnel
- grappling iron
- grindstone
- guillotine
- hacksaw
- plunger
- rasp
- razor knife
- reamer
- sander
- sandpaper
- trowel