uk/ˈbəʊl.dər.ɪŋ/us/ˈboʊl.dɚ.ɪŋ/anactivityin whichpeopleclimbup and overrocksorartificialrockwallsatfairlylowheightswithout usingropes:
Hisadventurousmotherlovedskiing,hiking, and bouldering.
Boulderingrequiresdifferentskillsfrom theropedclimbingI amfamiliarwith.

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- The campsite'slocationmeansexcellentbouldering isavailablerightoutsideyourtent.
- Bouldering is afree-formtypeofclimbing,closerto theground, that does notrequireropes.
- As thepopularityof boulderinggrew, anumberofclimbersmovedto doing itfull-time.
- Bouldering is well-known forbringingclimberstogether, asroutesfor allabilitiescan befoundin the samearea.
Mountaineering & rock climbing
- abseil
- abseiling
- ascender
- base camp
- belay
- climbing wall
- coasteering
- crampon
- foothold
- footing
- ice axe
- ice pick
- karabiner
- mountain climber
- mountainboarding
- rappelling
- rock climbing
- sherpa
- soloing
- sport climbing