uk/ˈkɔɪ.ər/us/kɔɪr/fibresfrom theoutsideof acoconut(= alargefruitwith a very hard,thick,brownshelland hard,whiteflesh)used for makingropeandfloorcoverings, or incompost(=materialforgrowingplantsin oraddingtosoiltoimproveitsquality):
椰子壳的粗纤维Thefloorswerecarpetedwith coir.地上铺着椰壳做成的地毯。
plantsgrownin coircompost生长在椰壳堆肥中的植物

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- Theupholsteryis usually alayerof coir,sisal, orsyntheticmaterial.
- The coir isblendedwith amixofnitrogen,phosphateandpotassiumfertilizerstoformcompost.
- Coirmattingin thedrawingroomgives aplainbackgroundforTurkishrugs.
Textiles made from natural fibres
- bamboo
- bombazine
- burlap
- calico
- cambric
- faille
- felt
- fishnet
- flannelette
- flax
- needlecord
- netting
- oilskin
- organdie
- organza
- towelling
- tulle
- tweed
- twill
- velvet
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Improving fertility & pest control