agameplayedespeciallyin France, in which hardballs, usually made ofmetal, arethrownso that theylandascloseaspossibleto asmallerball:
You can oftenseeagameof boules in thevillagesquare.
The mengatherunder thechestnuttreestodiscussthe day'snewsandplayboules.

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- Campsiteguestscanplayboules ortabletennis.
- Local woodcutters used tocarveboxwoodinto high-qualityballsfor boules.
- Aspectatorwasknockedunconsciousby a boulethrownby anangrycontestant.
a hard, usuallymetal,ballused in thegameofboules:
Thesebrightlycolouredplasticboules,intendedforchildren,weighmuch less thangenuineboules.
- Campsiteguestscanplayboules ortabletennis.
- Local woodcutters used tocarveboxwoodinto high-qualityballsfor boules.
- Aspectatorwasknockedunconsciousby a boulethrownby anangrycontestant.
Bowls, bowling & croquet
- bisque
- bowl
- bowling
- bowling alley
- bowling ball
- bowling green
- croquet
- crown green bowls
- duckpin bowling
- end
- jack
- lawn bowling
- mallet
- skittle
- tenpin bowling
- tenpins
atypeofcrustybread(= with apleasantlyhardouterlayer)in a roundshape:
You canformyourdoughintoknots,twists,braids, or boules.
Sheboughtafreshlybakedboule for thepicnic.
- Some of theloavescame out toodense,particularlythe boule.
- I made asourdoughboule.
- Anadama bread
- arepa
- bagel
- baguette
- bannock
- crouton
- crumb
- crumpet
- crust
- damper
- iced bun
- injera
- johnnycake
- kaiser roll
- lardy cake
- poppadom
- pretzel
- pumpernickel
- roti
- rye bread