arealorimaginedlinethatmarkstheedgeorlimitof something:
分界线;边界The Uralmountainsmarkthe boundarybetweenEuropeandAsia.乌拉尔山脉是欧洲和亚洲的分界线。
Residents areopposedto theprisonbeingbuiltwithinthecityboundary.居民们反对把监狱建在市区。
thelimitof asubjectorprinciple:
界限Electronicpublishingisblurringthe boundaries betweendictionariesandencyclopedias.电子出版使得词典与百科全书的界限变得模糊。
[usually plural]
thelimitof what someoneconsidersto beacceptablebehaviour:
Try to showlovewhilerespectingeach other's boundaries.
Wesetfirmboundaries, and if thechildrencrossthem there areconsequences.
- The boundary of thecarparkisdelineatedby alowbrickwall.
- They've beenfeudingwiththeirneighboursforyearsover a boundaryissue.
- Adisagreementabout boundaries is at theheartof thedispute.
- Thisfilmblursthe boundary betweenrealityandfantasy.
- Thebadlanguagein thatplayoversteppedthe boundaries of what ought to beallowedontelevision.
- Growing up in abigfamilyreally gave me asenseof boundaries, of what isacceptablefor me and what isn't.
- He sometimes hastroublemaintainingboundaries inrelationships.
Territorial boundaries
- border
- bound
- bourne
- checkpoint
- frontier
- hard border
- no-man's-land
- passport control
- state line
- the Iron Curtain
- the Mason-Dixon Line
- transboundary
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Range and limits
Limiting and restricting
Self-control and moderation