toagreethat something istrue,especiallyunwillingly:
(尤指不情愿地)承认;供认;招认He admitted hisguilt/mistake.他承认有罪/犯了错误。
[+ (that)]She admitted(that)she had made amistake.她承认自己犯了一个错误。
[+ -ing verb]She admitted makingamistake.她承认自己犯了一个错误。
At first hedeniedstealingthemoneybut helateradmitted(to)it.开始时他否认偷了钱,但是后来就承认了。
I wasn'tentirelyhonestwith him, I admit.我对他也不是百分之百的坦诚,这我承认。
[+ to infinitive]The newlawwasgenerallyadmittedtobedifficulttoenforce.人们普遍认为,新的法律难以实施。
own up
to say that you are wrong
- confessRawlinson finally confessed to the robbery.
- own upCome on, own up - who's eaten the last sandwich?
- fess upFess up - you wanted to go to the cinema instead, didn't you?
- come cleanI decided to come clean about the broken vase.
- concedeShe did eventually concede that the instructions were not very clear.
- admitHe admitted that he had been wrong.
to accept that something is true
- acceptI fully accept that I was wrong.
- acknowledgeI acknowledge that the project has faced delays, but we will do all we can to make up time.
- recognizeI do recognize that mistakes were made.
- admitWhy don't you just admit you got it wrong?
admit defeat
toacceptthat you havefailedand give up:
认输,承认失败After severalattemptstountietheknot, I admitteddefeatandcutthrough it with aknife.我试了几次都没有把这个结解开,最后认输了,就用刀子把它割开了。
- I was tooembarrassedto admit that I wasscared.
- He wasashamedto admit to hismistake.
- Shegrudginglyadmitted that she had beenwrongtocriticizehim.
- Thegangadmitted they hadcommittedfourrecentbankrobberies.
- It may be that theministersknowmore than they are admitting at themoment.
Admitting & confessing
- avow
- avowedly
- breastbeating
- clean
- climb
- climbdown
- come cleanidiom
- concede
- concession
- concessionary
- confess
- confession
- cop
- cop tosomething
- deny
- eat humble pieidiom
- face
- hand
- stand
- truth be toldidiom
admitverb(ALLOW IN)
toallowsomeone toenteraplace:
允许…进入Eachticketadmits onememberand oneguest.每张票可以让一位会员和一位客人进入。
Men will not be admittedtotherestaurantwithout atie.不系领带的男士不允许进入这家饭店。
literaryAgapbetween thecurtainsadmitted thefaintglimmerof astreetlamp.街灯那微弱的光从窗帘间的一道缝隙透了进来。
准许…加入;接纳Spain was admittedtotheEuropeanCommunity in 1986.西班牙于1986年被接纳为欧洲共同体成员。
toallowsomeone toenterahospitalbecause they needmedicalcare:
接收…入院;收治UKShe was admittedtohospitalsufferingfromshock.她因中风被送入医院救治。
USShe was admittedto thehospitalsufferingfromshock.她因中风被送入医院救治。
Allowing and permitting
- admission
- admit ofsomething
- allow ofsomething
- allowable
- approval
- authorization
- authorize
- clearance
- entrance
- given the chance/choiceidiom
- green-light
- hall pass
- imprimatur
- left
- liberty
- relicense
- relicensure
- say-so
- security clearance
- seeyourway (clear) todoing somethingidiom
Phrasal verb
admit ofsomething