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单词 adopt

adoptverb(TAKE CHILD)

tolegallytake another person'schildintoyourownfamilyand takecareof him or her asyourownchild
They've adopted ababygirl.他们领养了一个女婴。
She had thechildadopted(= she gave herbabyto someoneelseto takecareof).她把自己的孩子送给别人抚养。
They have nochildrenoftheirown, but they'rehopingto adopt.他们没有亲生子女,但是希望能领养。
fosterverb(TAKE CARE OF)
More examples
  • It was a mostfruitfuldiscussion, with bothsidesagreeingto adopt acommonpolicy.
  • Sinceourresearchsofarhas notproducedanyanswersto thisproblem, we need to adopt a differentapproachto it.
  • We will have to adopt a morescientificapproachin thefuture.
  • Severalgovernmentshave adoptedtoughnewanti-terroristlegislationin thewakeof theattacks.
  • Thebudgetproposalwas adopted at the president'sbehest.

adoptverb(START USING)

toacceptorstartto use something new
Ithinkit'stimeto adopt a differentstrategyin mydealingswith him.我觉得在和他的交往中该采用一种不同的策略了。
The newtaxwouldforcecompaniesto adopt energy-savingmeasures.征收新税将迫使公司采取节能措施。
He's adopted aremarkablylight-heartedattitudetowards thesituation.面对这种局面,他摆出了一种异乎寻常的轻描淡写的态度。


tochoosesomeone or something or take something asyourown
Dr Kennedy has been adoptedasthe party'scandidateforSouthCambridge.肯尼迪博士被选定为该党南剑桥地区的候选人。
tostartbehavingin aparticularway,especiallybychoice
Roz has adopted one or twofunnymannerismssince she's been away.罗兹自她离开后养成了一两种可笑的怪癖。
More examples
  • Shetendsto adopt afalselycheerfultonewhen she'supsetabout something.
  • to adopt asubservientrole/position
  • There is noEnglishequivalentfor 'bonappetit' so we have adopted theFrenchexpression.
  • They have adoptedlocalcustomsandtriedtoblendin with thecommunity.
  • Theprimeministerhas adopted aninflexiblepositiononimmigration.


Such tactics may be adopted by some parasites.
From theCambridge English Corpus
According to that hypothesis, proto-digeneans possessing a typical turbellaria-like structure adopted commensalism before becoming tissue parasites in gastropods.
From theCambridge English Corpus
A similar sampling regime was adopted in 1998.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Now the user adopts the role of the public servant when typing data directly into the system of the tax authority.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Although various methods will often be adopted, there is a dearth of information about the factors which facilitate or impede recruitment to trials.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The adopted framework produces this more basic pattern, using the constraints in (30a) and the ranking in (30b).
From theCambridge English Corpus
In order to achieve this aim a case study approach was adopted.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The procedure adopted by the practice for communicating test results involved direct communication of screen-positive results only.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The 1998 table is similar to the new table that was adopted in 2004 for men but overstates mortality for women.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In principle this was much like multi-pillar systems that have recently been adopted in other countries around the world.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The use of only revolute and prismatic pairs is adopted by reason of their genericity and technological implementation.
From theCambridge English Corpus
A key par t of this "strengthening" movement was to unify the nation by adopting one language as the standard.
From theCambridge English Corpus
She argues that care is needed to avoid primary-age children being encouraged into adopting an adult-style learning approach, which they are too immature to handle.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In adopting such self-reliant approaches, entrepreneurship, a sense of pride, self-fulfilment and achievement are evident among community members.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The latter are still in use, but have been adopted exclusively by members of the political class and business people.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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