uk/ˈkɒm.pə.θi/us/ˈkɑːm.pə.θi/thesharingof another person'sfeelingssuch ashappiness,sadness, orpain:
共有的情感;共情心To haveempathyis to beableto put yourself in another'sshoes,whereasto have compathy is tofeeltheiremotionsas if yousharethe sameheart.有同理心是能够设身处地为他人着想,而有共情心则是能感同身受地体会别人的情绪,好比大家共享着同一颗心。
- Iwanttofinda way ofdescribingthatbringsyou, thereader, tofeelcompathy for mysadnessand myloss.
- She used theconceptof "compathy" todescribethephenomenonwherebyapersonfeelsanother'spain.
- AGermanpsychologistdistinguishedseveralformsof what may be called "sympathy",includingcompathy.
- Inholisticnursinganadvancedformofempathyisdemanded,namelythat of compathy.
Empathy and sensitivity
- attuned
- commune
- communicate
- communion
- emotional intelligence
- empath
- identify
- identify withsomeone
- put
- putyourselfinsomeone'splace/position/shoesidiom
- rapport
- relate tosomeone/something
- self-discovery
- sensitive
- sensitiveness
- sympathetically
- sympathize
- theory of mind
- understand
- understanding