asoftcontainermade out ofpaperorthinplastic, andopenat thetop, used toholdfoodsand othergoods:
a bagofapples/nuts一袋苹果/坚果
Don'teatthatwholebagof(= theamountthe bagcontains)sweetsatonce.不要一次就把整袋糖吃完。

Peter Dazeley/The Image Bank/GettyImages
acontainermade ofleather,plastic, or othermaterial, usually with ahandleorhandles, in which youcarrypersonalthings, orclothesor other things that you need fortravelling:
Shepulledapenandnotepadout of her bag andstartedjottingdowninformation.
I hadn'tevenpackedmy bags(= put the things I need insuitcases/bags).我甚至还没有把东西装包呢。
bags underyoureyes
dark,loose, orswollenskinunderyoureyesbecause oftirednessoroldage:
眼袋She wasconsideringcosmeticsurgerytodealwith the bags under hereyes.
- Hedroppeda bag ofsugarand itspilledall over thefloor.
- Tie up thetopof the bag so therubbishdoesn'tfallout.
- I put a fewpersonalbelongingsin a bag andleftthehousefor the lasttime.
- Shesuddenlyremembered(that) herkeyswere in her other bag.
- He had abaseballand acoupleofbatsin hissportsbag.
Containers for waste
- ashcan
- bin
- bin bag
- bin liner
- bottle bank
- dustbin
- dustbin bag
- garbage bag
- garbage can
- litter bin
- litter tray
- skip
- trash bag
- trash can
- trash can liner
- waste bin
- wastepaper basket
- wheelie bin
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Bags in general
Containers for carrying personal possessions
aplaceon awebsitewhere youcollectthenamesof things youintendtobuyfrom thewebsite:
Simplyaddtheitemtoyourbag, andproceedtocheckoutasnormal.
- Click on "Continue", andaddtheitemtoyourbag. View "My Bag" to makesure.
- If you'veaddedsomething toyourshoppingbag, it will bereservedfor 60minutes.
- Pleasenotethat if you haveitemsinyourbag or in the "Save for Later"sectionthat wereaddedwhen you weren'tloggedin, you'll need to make anoteof theproductname/code.
Internet terminology
- above/below the foldidiom
- address bar
- affiliate link
- affiliate marketing
- all-you-can-eat
- domain name
- internet
- internet café
- internet-enabled
- interweb
- IP
- keyboard warrior
- podcast
- refresh
- shopping basket
- unlike
- upvote
- user experience
- utility computing
- UX
arudeandinsultingnamefor a woman,especiallyanolderone:
bagnoun[C](IN BASEBALL)
one of the fourpositionson asquarethat aplayermustreachtoscoreapointin thegameofbaseball:
Thefielderjustkepthisfooton the bag.
Thewidethrowpulledthe first baseman off the bag.
Baseball & rounders
- at batidiom
- ballgame
- ballplayer
- base hit
- bases
- doctor
- fish
- flare
- fly
- foul
- frame
- peg
- pitcher
- second base
- shag
- shortstop
- slugger
- sock
- stickball
- strike
bags ofsomething
be in the bag
uk/bæɡ/us/bæɡ/-gg-bagverb(PUT IN CONTAINER)
to put something in a bag:
把…装进袋里Shall I bag(up)thosetomatoesfor you?要我帮你把西红柿装进袋里吗?
Wrapping, packing and loading
- blister pack
- bottle
- Bubble Wrap
- bundle
- bundle (someone) up
- freighter
- package
- packaged
- packaging
- packer
- packet
- packing
- parcel
- parcelsomethingup
- polystyrene
- sheathe
- shrink-wrap
- tinned
- traffic light
- vacuum-packed
to get something before otherpeoplehave achanceto take it:
占据;抢占[+ two objects]Bag us somedecentseats/Bag somedecentseatsforus if you get there first, won't you?如果你先到就帮我们占几个好位子,行吗?
See also
bagsyUKchild's word
Capturing or taking possession of things
- -grabbing
- apprehend
- apprehension
- arrogate
- at bayidiom
- cage
- capture
- catch
- clutch
- collar
- entangle
- get/lay/putyourhands onsomeoneidiom
- grab
- grabber
- repo
- repo man
- repossess
- seize
- sequester
- sequestration
bagverb(WIN PRIZE)
获(奖)He's thebookies'favouriteto bag anOscar.博彩公司看好他最有希望获得一项奥斯卡奖。
He iseagerto bag his fifthvictoryof theseason.他十分渴望这个赛季第五次把胜利收入囊中。
Winning, losing & scoring in sport
- aet
- against the run of playidiom
- blowsomeoneaway
- clean
- close-run
- co-holder
- concede
- equalizer
- golden goal
- pull
- pull back
- reelsomethingoff
- relegation zone
- run away withsomeone
- score
- scorecard
- straight
- strike
- treble
- walk itidiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Winning and defeating
捕获,杀(动物或鸟)Hunting & fishing
- angler
- angling
- anti-hunt
- anti-hunter
- anti-hunting
- barb
- fisherman
- fishhook
- fishing line
- fishing rod
- fly fishing
- fox hunt
- outfish
- overfishing
- poach
- poaching
- predation
- quarry
- spear
- whaler
toreachthetopof amountain:
登临(山峰)We bagged threesummitsin oneday.我们一天之内登上了三座山峰。
Mountaineering & rock climbing
- abseil
- abseiling
- ascender
- base camp
- belay
- climbing
- climbing wall
- coasteering
- crampon
- foothold
- free soloist
- ice axe
- ice pick
- karabiner
- mountain climber
- rappel
- rappelling
- rock climbing
- sherpa
- soloing
tohanglooselylike a bag:
如布袋状松垂Ihatethesetrousers- they bag(out)at the back.我讨厌这条裤子,后面松松垮垮的。
Style & appearance of clothes
- aesthetic
- alterable
- anti-fur
- Aran
- backless
- flouncy
- form-fitting
- French tuck
- frilly
- fringed
- raglan
- ready-to-wear
- reversible
- ribbed
- ruche
- voluminous
- waisted
- washable
- wasp-waisted
- water-repellent
bagverb(NOT USE)
to not use something that you have, and use somethingelseinstead:
不再使用(已有的)某物Bag thatoldgraysweater, andwearsomething morecolorful.把那件灰色的毛衣收起来,穿件颜色鲜艳一些的。
Removing and getting rid of things
- abandonment
- banish
- be scattered to the four windsidiom
- bin
- castsomeone/somethingaside/away/off
- dumping
- eradication
- erasure
- evacuate
- evacuation
- exorcism
- fling
- leach
- scrape
- shedding
- shoo
- shrug
- shrugsomethingoff
- shuck
- sling
[T]Australian Englishinformal
tocriticizeorlaughat someone or something in anunkindway:
批评;嘲笑Stop bagging her(out)- she's doing herbest.别批评她了——她在尽力而为。
Disapproving & criticizing
- anathematize
- animadversion
- aspersion
- assail
- aw
- backbite
- boo
- criticism
- deprecate
- dim
- niggle
- nitpick
- opprobrious
- peanut gallery
- people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stonesidiom
- personalization
- personalize
- philippic
- sarky
- tear
bags I...