noun[Cusually singular]
(alsoBris)uk/brɪs/us/brɪs/aceremonyin which aJewishmale, usually an 8-day-oldbaby, iscircumcised(= thelooseskinat the end of hispenisiscutoff):
Thewholefamilywasinvitedto the bris.
ManyJewishparentsholda bris in thehome.
If it is aboythen we can’ttellanyone hisnameuntil the Bris.
brit milah
- SomeJewishparentsareconductingalternatebris (Brith Milah)ceremonies, "a bris blee milah," anamingceremonywithoutcircumcision.
- The man’s bris had beenperformedby adoctorwho was not a mohel.
- Thisnamingoccasionhassimilarholinessto a Bris.
- There is asynagoguein thecity, but the last bris wasperformed80yearsago.
- Conversations like these oftenhappenatcocktailparties, parent-teacherconferences, and brises.
Religious ceremonies & prayers
- alleluia
- amen
- anoint
- anointed
- anointment
- communicant
- communion
- confirm
- confirmation
- consecrate
- invocation
- litany
- liturgical
- liturgy
- ordain
- sacramental
- thanksgiving
- the last rites
- unction
- vespers