old-fashioned(alsoBioscope)uk/ˈbaɪ.ə.skəʊp/us/ˈbaɪ.oʊ.skoʊp/anoldword for afilmcameraorfilmprojector(= adeviceforshowingfilmson ascreen):
旧式电影放映机There areinstructionsfor makingyourownsimplebioscope.有说明书教你自己制作简单的电影放映机。

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(alsobioscope show)
in the past, anentertainmentconsisting of afilmshow thattravelledfromplacetoplace:
(旧时)电影流动放映Theheydayof the Bioscope was from the late 1890s untilWorldWar I.流动电影放映在1890年代末到一战前这段时期最受欢迎。
mainlySouth African
电影院There wasn’t much to do in George itself exceptvisitthelocalcinema,knownfor someobscurereasonas the "bioscope".在乔治这个地方,除了去当地电影院以外,并没有太多可做的事情,不知道什么原因,当地的电影院被称为 "bioscope"。
mainlyIndian English
电影I told him I would get a thousandrupeeswhen the bioscope I was in wasreleased.我告诉他,等我演了个角色的电影出来后,我会得到一千卢比。
- A bioscope is amoviecamerabelongingto anearlierera, before digitalization.
- He made adocumentaryabout atravellingbioscopeprojectionistinIndia.
- His bioscope show was on theYorkshirefaircircuit.
- It was hisviewthat for theperson"insearchof differentphasesofhumannaturethere is nobetterplacetofindobjectsofstudythan tovisita bioscope show".
- He's like someone you'dseein a bioscopedrama.
Cinema - general words
- 12A
- animation
- animator
- audio described
- audio description
- fade
- filming
- filmstrip
- flick
- footage
- franchise
- freeze-frame
- projection
- reel
- remake
- rerelease
- rescreen
- reshoot
- reshow
- sting
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Theatres, cinemas & their parts