aplantwith manysmallbranchesgrowingeitherdirectlyfrom thegroundor from a hardstem, giving theplantaroundedshape:
Carmen Winant/Photonica/GettyImages
- arhododendronbush
- alavenderbush
- Shepulledthe bush out of thegroundwith asharpjerk.
- Shesawhim coming andcroucheddown behind a bush.
- Cutting the bush back in theautumnwillhelppromotevigorousgrowthin thespring.
Bushes & shrubs
- aronia
- bramble
- briar
- brier
- broom
- furze
- gorse
- guaraná
- heather
- hedging
- manuka
- privet
- redcurrant
- rhododendron
- rosella
- underbrush
- undergrowth
- viburnum
- wahoo
- wayfaring tree
bushnoun(AREA OF LAND)
the bushC2[S]
(especiallyinAustraliaandAfrica) anareaoflandcoveredwith bushes andtreesthat has never been used forgrowingcropsand where there are very fewpeople
Geography: deserts, prairies & wildernesses
- brush
- Bushman
- desert
- dust bowl
- grassland
- heathland
- marginal land
- moor
- moorland
- mulga
- pasture
- plain
- prairie
- Sahara
- the Gobi Desert
- veld
- virgin
- wadi
- wasteland
- wilderness
[Cusually singular]
浓密的头发Thebabywasbornwith asurprisingbushofblackhair.令人吃惊的是,这个婴儿生下来就长着浓密的黑发。
very informal
someone'spubichair,especiallya woman's
- anti-dandruff
- as bald as a cootphrase
- baldness
- baldy
- bedhead
- curl
- five o'clock shadow
- frizzle
- frizzy
- fuzzy
- goatee
- lank
- mane
- muttonchops
- rug
- scurf
- slaphead
- walrus moustache
- waxed
- wig