(alsobush fire)uk/ˈbʊʃ.faɪər/us/ˈbʊʃ.faɪr/afireburningin thebush(= awildareaofland)that isdifficulttocontroland sometimesspreadsquickly:
林区大火Eightpeoplediedas bushfiressweptsouthernAustralia.丛林大火席卷澳大利亚南部,造成8人死亡。

something thatspreadsveryquicklyand isdifficulttocontrol, and usuallycausesa lot ofdamage:
The court'srulingwas asparkthatstartedabushfire.
- Today has beenhorrificallyhot, there's a bushfire verycloseand thewholecitysmellsofburning.
- Atouristappearedincourtaccusedofstartingabushfirewith acigarette.
- Since hisconfession, thescandalhasspreadlike a bushfire through theparty.
- There is agrowinglistofbanksburntout by thewildbushfire of thegloballiquiditycrisis.
Fire & flame
- beacon
- blaze
- bonfire
- brand
- campfire
- conflagration
- dumpster fire
- fire
- fireball
- firepit
- firestorm
- flame
- flare
- inferno
- open fire
- open fireplace
- pilot
- post-fire
- spark
- wildfire
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Increasing and intensifying
Dangerous and harmful