adevicefor takingphotographsor makingfilmsortelevisionprogrammes:
照相机;摄像机Iforgotto take my camera with me to Portugal, so I couldn't take anyphotos.我去葡萄牙时忘了带相机,所以我一张照片都没能拍。
Television cameracrewsbroadcasttheeventall round theworld.电视摄制组向全世界播放了这一事件。
It was said of Marilyn Monroe that the cameralovedher(= that shelookedveryattractiveonfilmand inphotographs).据说爱玛丽莲‧梦露非常上镜。

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on camera
appearingon asectionofvideo:
出现在镜头上They werecaughton camera as theybrutallyattackeda man.他们粗暴打人的场景被拍了下来。
- I mustlooklike thetypicaltouristwith myshortsand my camera.
- She's verypleasedwith her new camera and wassnappingaway thewholetimewe wereabroad.
- He's justboughta newdigitalcamera.
- Morebanksare nowinstallingsurveillancecameras.
- The camerafocusedon agroupof women whosefacesweretormentedby/withgrief.
- airbrush
- aperture
- bokeh
- camera obscura
- camera-shy
- expose
- glossy
- grain
- hologram
- holographic
- holography
- kinetoscope
- lantern slide
- pap
- picture
- PillCam
- pin-up
- pinhole camera
- pix
- projection