camera obscura
uk/ˌkæm.rə əbˈskjʊə.rə/us/ˌkæm.rə əbˈskjʊr.ə/[C]
abox,room, ordevicewith asmallholethatletslightthrough andshowsanimageon anoppositesurface:
暗箱(早期的照相机)Aleafwith atinyholeisperhapsthe mostprimitiveformofpinholecamera, also called acameraobscura.带小孔的叶子也许是针孔相机(或称 "暗箱")最原始的形式。

David Lees/Corbis Historical/GettyImages
theeffectby whichlightshiningthrough asmallholecan show animageon anoppositesurface:
暗箱(成像)效应There haslongbeen anargumentabout whether Vermeer used thecameraobscura tocreatehispaintings.长期以来,维米尔是否使用过暗箱进行绘画创作一直存在争议。
- Thetoweritself is alocallandmarkand wasonceacameraobscura.
- Heturnedone of the museum'sgalleriesinto acameraobscura byblockingthewindowsandleavingonepinhole.
- Daguerre used thecameraobscura torecordtopographicalviewsof hisdioramas.
- airbrush
- aperture
- bokeh
- camera
- camera-shy
- expose
- glossy
- grain
- hologram
- holographic
- holography
- kinetoscope
- lantern slide
- pap
- picture
- PillCam
- pin-up
- pinhole camera
- pix
- projection