baggage handling
uk/ˈbæɡ.ɪdʒ ˌhænd.lɪŋ/us/ˈbæɡ.ɪdʒ ˌhænd.lɪŋ/theworkof takingpassengers'bagsandsuitcasesand putting them onto orremovingthem from anaircraft:
Most of thespaceinairportsisdevotedtobaggagehandling.
- Airlines say thechangewillgreatlyimprovebaggagehandling.
- Thefiguredoesn'tincludeflightcancellations,diversionsordelayscausedbybaggagehandling.
- Theairlinescoredlowerthan any other onbaggagehandlingandconsumercomplaints.
- Manyairlinefunctionssuch asbaggagehandling,cateringandmaintenancearecontractedout to thirdparties.
- Heclaimedhiscamerahad beenstolenwhile hissuitcasewas in thebaggagehandlingarea.
Air travel: workers on/with aircraft & spacecraft
- air hostess
- air marshal
- air traffic control
- air traffic controller
- aircrew
- baggage handler
- balloonist
- co-pilot
- crew
- fighter pilot
- flight attendant
- ground crew
- pilot
- skipper
- sky marshal
- skycap
- spaceman
- spacewoman
- steward
- test pilot