uk/ˈbeɪ.tər/us/ˈbeɪ.t̬ɚ/apersonwhointentionallymakes someoneangryby saying or doing things toannoythem:
故意招惹别人者,故意激怒别人者He hadbecomefamousas a baiter ofleft-wingpoliticians.他以构陷左翼政治活动家而闻名。
He is just a baiter who will say anything toprovokeareply.他只是个诱饵,会说任何出格的话来激起别人的回击。
- He’s a baiter of “elites” whoarousesthemasseswitharticlesbasedonracialprofiling.
- The Senator is acomedian,author, andperennialbaiter of theright.
- She’s not just aracebaiter, but aliar.
- In the 1950s,redbaiter US Senator Joe McCarthyharanguedandpersecutedthose heaccusedof being communists.
Causing feelings of anger and displeasure
- aggravate
- aggrieve
- alienate
- anger
- annoy
- bend
- givesomeonethe shitsidiom
- go too faridiom
- goat
- grate
- hacksomeoneoff
- joke
- nark
- nose
- rubsomeoneup the wrong wayidiom
- ruffle
- rufflesomeone'sfeathersidiom
- setsomeone'steeth on edgeidiom
- step/tread onsomeone'stoesidiom
- tit