bake sale
mainlyUSuk/ˈbeɪk ˌseɪl/us/ˈbeɪk ˌseɪl/aneventwherepeoplesellcakesand otherbakedgoodsthat they have made inordertoraisemoneytohelpaparticularcause:
See also
cake sale

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- It is asaddaywhen themeagreamountwe make atbakesalesandbookfairsis used tosupplementthesalariesofschoolstaff.
- Thebookstoresponsorsbakesalesthatbenefitlocalschools.
- Shespendsmuch of theyearcookingtacos, tamales and empanadas that aresoldatbakesalesinhopesofraisingtheestimated$6,000 they need tocreateagrandcelebration.
- Love them orloathethem, thebakesaleis aregularfundraisingeventatpreschoolsandprimaryschoolsacrossthecountry!
Celebrations, parties & special occasions
- a night on the townidiom
- afterparty
- April Fool's Day
- baby shower
- bachelor party
- backslapping
- dinner dance
- Easter egg hunt
- fayre
- feast
- fest
- masquerade
- mela
- Mother's Day
- New Year's Eve
- trick-or-treating
- Valentine's Day
- wassail
- wassailer
- wassailing
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