(alsoafter-image)uk/ˈɑːf.tərˌɪm.ɪdʒ/us/ˈæf.tɚˌɪm.ɪdʒ/animageof something that youseemtoseewhen you are nolongerlookingat it or when it is nolongerthere:
Hiseyeswateredandswamwith afterimages of theexplosion.
Theballstreakedpast him sofastthat itseemedtoleaveapaleafter-image in thedusk.
- There is aphenomenonin which aredcircularafterimage isproducedby someonestaringat agreencircularpatchfor aminuteor so, and thenlookingat awhitewall.
- What yousawwasalmostlike an afterimagelefton theretinawhen alightgoes out.
- In myheadwas an after-image of apairofphotographsfrom atextbookonphysiology.
- Theimpressionof herlingers, an after-image onyourretinaafter thefilmhasfinishedand thelightsare still down.
- Hisworkon Optics is astudyof thosevisualsensationsof whichcommonmen neverbecomeaware, such asblindspots, afterimages, andastigmatism.
Eyesight, glasses & lenses
- accommodative
- age-related macular degeneration
- astigmatic
- aviator glasses
- bespectacled
- bifocals
- boss-eyed
- dark glasses
- goggles
- monocular
- multifocal
- naked
- nearsightedly
- nearsightedness
- ophthalmology
- pince-nez
- snow blindness
- sty
- sunnies