bird box
mainlyUKuk/ˈbɜːd ˌbɒks/us/ˈbɜː˞d ˌbɑːks/(USusuallybirdhouse);(UKusuallynesting box)aboxthat isprovidedforbirdsto maketheirnestin:
(让鸟儿筑巢的)鸟盒,鸟箱It ishopedthebirdboxeswillattractperegrinefalcons,swifts, and redstarts.希望这些鸟箱能吸引到游隼、燕子和红尾鸲。
She hasfoundbluebirdsin herbirdboxes.她在自己的鸟箱里发现过蓝鸲。

- Fourbirdboxeshave beenmountedhigh up in thetrees.
- You can nowbuyabirdboxfittedwithCCTVandwatchthesoapoperaunfoldinginsideyourlivingroom.
- Theroughwallsof thequarryarestuddedwith the samebatandbirdboxesthat arefoundin thewood.
Animal dwellings - man-made
- animal shelter
- apiary
- aviary
- birdcage
- birdhouse
- doghouse
- dovecote
- fish tank
- fishbowl
- goldfish bowl
- hive
- perch
- pigpen
- pigsty
- rabbit hutch
- rescue centre
- sanctuary
- skep
- stall
- sty