birth center
US(UKbirth centre)(USalsobirthing center)aplacewherepeoplecan givebirththat hasmedicalequipmentandtrainedhelperssuch asmidwives, but not as muchmedicalorsurgicaltechnologyas ahospital:
If I had had a low-riskpregnancyI wouldcertainlyhavedeliveredat thebirthcenter.
Many women givebirthinwater,mostlyathomeor in birthingcenters.
- Foryears,certifiednurse-midwives have beenlobbyingthe Illinois Legislature forauthoritytorunfree-standingbirthcentersfor low-riskbirths.
- We havelowerincidencesofinducedlaborandprematurebirthcomparedto thenationalaverage, but that'spartlybecause birthingcenterclientsmust behealthyand low-risk.
- She says that womenwantmorebirthcenters,midwives, andhomebirths.
- Thatyear, 2.1percentof Oregon womendeliveredtheirbabiesathomeor in a birthingcenter, more thandoublethenationalaverage.
Medical places & organizations
- A & E
- accident and emergency
- aid station
- biotech
- birth centre
- blood bank
- clinic
- consulting room
- dispensary
- group practice
- infirmary
- institution
- maternity ward
- non-hospital
- out of hoursidiom
- polyclinic
- socialized medicine
- sperm bank
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Obstetrics: birth