uk/eɪdʒ/us/eɪdʒ/agenoun(TIME SPENT ALIVE)
theperiodoftimesomeone has beenaliveor something hasexisted:
年龄,年纪;存在时间Do youknowthe age of thatbuilding?你知道那座楼的历史有多久吗?
What age(= howold)isyourbrother?你弟弟多大了?
I'dguessshe's about my age(= she is about asoldas I am).我猜她和我年龄差不多。
She was 74yearsofage when shewroteher firstnovel.她写第一部小说时是74岁。
Helefthomeat theageof16.他16岁时离开了家。
I wasmarriedwith fourchildrenatyourage.像你这么大的时候我已经结了婚并且有了4个孩子。
She'sstartingtoshow/lookher age(= tolookasoldas she is).她开始看上去与实际年龄一般大了。
I'm reallybeginningtofeelmy age(=feelold).我真的开始觉得老了。
His girlfriend'stwicehis age(=twiceasoldas he is).他的女朋友年龄比他大一倍。
said to someone totellthem tostopbehavinglike someone who is muchyounger:
the age of consent
the age at which someone isconsideredby thelawto beoldenough toagreeto havesexwith someone:
(可发生性行为的)法定年龄Thisstatefinallyraisedthe age ofconsentto 16 lastyear.
- Prokofievstartedcomposingat the age of five.
- She's getting veryforgetfulin heroldage.
- He's verymaturefor his age.
- Hebecameaprofessionalathleteat the age of 16.
- Hilary's the same age as me.
Describing age & birthdays
- age group
- age limit
- aged
- babyboomer
- be knocking (on) 60, 70, etc.idiom
- gone
- junior
- millennial
- nonagenarian
- octogenarian
- old
- on the right/wrong side of40, 50, etc.idiom
- ripe
- senior
- something
- spring chicken
- take years offsomeoneidiom
- teens
- this side ofsomethingidiom
- twenty-first
- the age ofimperialism
- It'stimethiscompanymovedinto thecomputerage.
- Theneolithicperiodis sometimes called the newstoneage.
- Serviceindustriessuch astourismhavebecomemoreimportantin thepost-industrialage.
- Rousseau, thatgreatprophetof themodernage
Periods of time - general words
- at/in one sittingidiom
- day
- digital age
- duration
- fixed-term
- interval
- length
- life cycle
- lifetime
- making
- me time
- period
- rest
- run down the clockidiom
- session
- sleep
- spasm
- tide
- time span
- timescale
agenoun(LONG TIME)
agesB1[plural]informal(also mainlyUKan age[S])
a verylongtime:
很长时间Ittakesages tocook.做饭要花很长时间。
agenoun(BEING OLD)
thefactof being or gettingolder:
年老;衰老;老化;陈年Her back wasbentwithage.随着年事增高,她的背驼了。
Hertemperhasn'timprovedwith age!她的脾气一点没有随着年龄增长而变好!
- Sunbathing canprematurelyage andwrinkletheskin.
- She's aged a lot since we lastsawher.
- Thedeathof hiswifehad aged himgreatly.
- Agreatdealofresearchhasexaminedtheeffectsof ageing onourphysicalandmentalcapacities.
- Thewhiskyis aged for at least twoyearsinoakbarrels.
Describing age & birthdays
- age group
- age limit
- aged
- babyboomer
- be knocking (on) 60, 70, etc.idiom
- gone
- junior
- millennial
- nonagenarian
- octogenarian
- old
- on the right/wrong side of40, 50, etc.idiom
- ripe
- senior
- something
- spring chicken
- take years offsomeoneidiom
- teens
- this side ofsomethingidiom
- twenty-first
We use age as a noun to refer to how many years someone has lived:…Idiom
come of age
uk/eɪdʒ/us/eɪdʒ/present participleUKageingorUSaging|past tense and past participleagedIf someone ages or something ages them, theylookolder:
衰老,使…显得苍老She's aged since the lasttimewemet.她显得比我们上次见面时老了。
todevelopinflavourorleavesomething to do this:
(使)发酵,(使)变陈Thebrandyis aged inoakfor tenyears.这种白兰地在橡木桶中陈酿了10年。
- Sunbathing canprematurelyage andwrinkletheskin.
- She's aged a lot since we lastsawher.
- Thedeathof hiswifehad aged himgreatly.
- Agreatdealofresearchhasexaminedtheeffectsof ageing onourphysicalandmentalcapacities.
- Thewhiskyis aged for at least twoyearsinoakbarrels.
The elderly
- a ripe old ageidiom
- aged
- ageism
- ageist
- agism
- centenarian
- crock
- geriatric
- geriatrics
- gerontology
- infirmity
- nonagenarian
- pension fund
- pensioner
- rest home
- senility
- the gray dollar
- the grey market
- the grey pound