food & drinkspecialized
asmalltoolthat is used toformfoodintoballs, or toremovethefleshoffruit, etc.:
(面团)搓圆机;(水果)搓球机Makemelonballsusing amelonballer orteaspoon.用搓球机或者小勺子做成水果球。

popovaphoto/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Scoopmashedsweetpotatoesintoorbswith amelonballer.
- Using amelonballer or asharpteaspoon,hollowout thebaseof eachpear.
- Take themelonballer andscoopout thecentreof eachtomatointo abowl.
- Using avegetableballer,scoopoutpiecesofpotatoabout thesizeofhazelnuts.
Kitchen utensils
- bain-marie
- bakeware
- beater
- bottle opener
- bread knife
- coddler
- colander
- cookie cutter
- cookware
- corer
- palette knife
- parer
- paring knife
- pastry blender
- peeler
- spreader
- squeezer
- tin opener
- tine
- toasting fork
apersonwhoplaysaballgame,especiallysomeone whoplaysbasketballwell:
(尤指篮球)球员,球星,好手Thehighlightwasseeingavideoof myfavouriteballershatteringthebackboard.最精彩的是看到我最喜欢的球星大力扣篮的视频。
asuccessfulperson,especiallyone who isrich,liveswell andbuysexpensivethings:
(有钱、住得豪华、购物奢侈的)人生赢家,成功人士Now he's a baller, aghettostar, still in histeensmaking sixfigures.他现在可是成功人士,一颗从贫民窟升起的明星,不过十几岁的年纪就已经有六位数的收入。
- This is anopenletterto you, NBA baller andoverallcooldudeon NBA TV.
- He isclearlythebetterplayer; let'sfaceit, he's thebestAussieballer we have had.
- If only I was abigballer and had theopportunitytoeathere more often...
Competitors & participants in sports & games
- back four
- ballplayer
- base jumper
- benchwarmer
- boot boy
- challenger
- jumper
- keeper
- longboarder
- major league
- mid-table
- midfield anchor
- midfield diamond
- racer
- retire
- trialist
- triathlete
- triple jumper
- triple threat
- utility
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Basketball, netball & volleyball
Rich people
Successful (things or people)