mainlyUSuk/ˌbuː.tɒnˈjeər/us/ˌbuː.təˈnɪr/(UKusuallybuttonhole)aflowerthat someonewearsin thebuttonholeof, orfastenedto,theirjacketon aspecialoccasionsuch as awedding:
The menworesuitsand red-rose boutonnieres.

Nerida McMurray Photography/DigitalVision/GettyImages
- Createyourowncorsageor boutonniere withflowersgrowinginyourfamily'sgarden.
- Walton wasdressedin acrispdarksuitcompletewith ayellowboutonniere.
- Krista’smompinnedboutonnieres on theushers.
- The bride’s andbridesmaids'bouquets, thecorsagesand the boutonnieres allincludedscentedherbs.
Gloves & accessories
- aviator glasses
- bandeau
- bell
- brolly
- bumbershoot
- buttonhole
- fingerless
- glove
- gloved
- handkerchief
- hanky
- hatpin
- parasol
- pashmina
- pocket handkerchief
- rosette
- shade
- slap bracelet
- tiepin
- utility belt