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单词 beat up
释义 beat up
1.beat severely痛打
*He told the police that he had been beaten up by two masked men.他告诉警察说两个蒙面人把他痛打了一顿。
*They not only robbed the man of his money, but beat him up.他们不仅抢了那人的钱,而且还把他毒打了一顿。
2.mix thoroughly搅拌
*She beat up me egg in the flour.她把鸡蛋同面粉搅拌匀。
*He is beating up cream.他正在搅拌奶油。
3.go against the wind逆风而行
*The ship was beating up the channel.船在海峡里逆风而行。 eagerly;gather together 热切地寻找;召集
*She tried to beat up some support for the campaign she was leading.她努力为自己所领导的运动寻求支持。
*They will do their best to beat up customers for their company.他们将尽力为其公司招徕生意。
5.disturb as by a sudden visit惊扰
*Don't beat up the rabbit.不要惊跑那只兔子。
*The enemy were unaware of our closing in until two shots beat them up.敌人没有觉察到我们已经逼近,直到两声枪响震惊了他们。




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