aropeattachingonesideof asquaresailto a ship'sbow(=frontpart):
帆脚索We'veletloosethe bowline and we'redrifting.我们解开了帆脚索,让船在水上漂着。
(alsobowline knot)
asimpletypeofknotfor making aloop(= acircle)that does notslipat the end of arope:
单套结;帆脚索Hefinallygot aloopofropearound thebumper,pulledittight, and thentiedanother bowline.他终于在保险杠上绕了一圈绳子,把它拉紧,然后又系上个单套结。
Hetiedaclumsybowlineknotaround thebranch.他在树枝上打了一个笨拙的单套结。

revetina01/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Theshippitchedforwardand down, and theboyhad tograbholdof the bowline tostayon hisfeet.
- Iattachedtheweathersheetto the clew with a bowline.
- Wepractisedrowingtheinflatabledinghy, andlearnedarangeofknotsfrom a bowline to adoublesheetbend.
- When you havemasteredbelaying and bowlines, you will behookedup with aclimbingbuddy.
Cords, ropes, cables & string
- bell pull
- bungee
- cable
- catgut
- chain
- cord
- fibre
- halter
- halyard
- harness
- landline
- lariat
- lasso
- rein
- shock cord
- string
- stringed
- stringy
- tether
- tow rope
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Parts of ships & boats
Fastening and tying